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Tyros 5 in for repair/overhaul

Started by Del, Dec 16, 2017, 06:22 AM

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Hi All
Recently I have had a few problems with my T5 like, Expansion packs not loading, many keys not sounding, OTS not working, chords not sounding or sounding incorrectly. Initially the very nice gentleman at the shop where I got it from thought it may have been just the split point and it was set for two keyboards and auto bass, this was clearly not working when I altered the settings. Yesterday I called the shop and said the keyboard was still not right so he suggested taking the keyboard to him to sort out, I got to his shop 3 hours before he closed and we re-downloaded the expansion packs from Music-soft tried it and they would not load into the T5, he called Yamaha Technical Support who were very helpful, We done a factory reset not a keyboard reset to it was like brand new, we managed to get the packs loaded but there were some keys still not sounding, we spent around 2.1/2 hours trying to right this keyboard and we run out of time as the shop was closing for the day, I have left the keyboard with him and he is going to figure out the problem, I don't know how much it will cost me yet, and I may get my keyboard back mid next week if not it will be after the Christmas break. The dealer has be great and I would go back to them when I eventually upgrade, so there is no playing for me at the moment :( - However it is unusual this has happened because most keyboards are very much reliable so don't let this put you off buying a T5.


Sorry to hear you're having problems with your Tyros 5😨
Hope all goes well for you, and you have it back soon.
Have a great day.


Me too Jan I'm getting withdrawal symptoms not having a keyboard to play


My Keyboard is now being sent to Yamaha for diagnostic testing, The keyboard is out of warranty I just hope it won't cost me too much :( and looks as though I will be keyboardless untill after new year.