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Hello from Sweden

Started by MarcusAhlback, Dec 16, 2017, 04:40 AM

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I'm an amateur pianoplayer from Sweden.
I used to have a rather sniffy attitude towards "keyboards", judging them to be mostly toys for kids.
But I now have learned that there are quite capable instruments out there.

So I'm now a happy owner of a PSR-S770. I've just had it for a couple of weeks yet, so I'm still like a kid with wideopened eyes in a toystore.
Some of these styles are....WOW!

One immediate question: Is there a way to instantly on the fly (one-button-push or similar) mute a specific part in a style. I've read that I can do something similar by assigning the live knob, but that doesn't work if I for example would like to mute the drums.

In case anybody's interested I've got a youtubechannel with mostly my piano performances.

Best regards Marcus
Yamaha PSR-S770
Casio PX5-s


hi Marcus,
Down left corner of your screen there is a button called "channel on/off".
Press that one and then press 1 2 3 4-8 buttons under your screen while you playing.
I don' t know if you ment something like that or something like assigning your style to registration memory with some channels off.

I love pianos too,but I dont have money to buy a piano plus I am not a good keyboard player
and keyboards help people like me to use less their "bad" left hand and not be dissapointed.
More over with  a keyboard i don't need to call an entire band or orchestra to play with me everytime i feel like playing for fun.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Hi Panos,
Yes that was exactly what I was looking for.
Thank you very much for your help!
Best Regards Marcus.
Yamaha PSR-S770
Casio PX5-s

Roger Brenizer

Hi Marcus,

Welcome to the forum and thank you for becoming a member.  I'm sure you're going to learn a great deal about your new PSR-S770 keyboard here on the forum and will experience many pleasurable hours playing it.

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"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Hej Marcus
You can also use the "Assign" button and choose Live set #6 (if the 770 is still in default mode). Then you can use the two livecontrol encoders to mute and mix the individual tracks in a style.

Best regards från Närke



Hej Aulis!

Thanks for the suggestion. However I think that the solution suggested by Panos better suits my needs. Besides I think I´m doing something wrong while assigning the knob, because it resets on power off.

Närke alltså! Själv bor jag utanför Karlstad så då är vi ju nästan grannar. /Marcus
Yamaha PSR-S770
Casio PX5-s


Thanks Roger for Welcoming me in this group.

I will for sure consider becoming a supporting member.

Best regards Marcus
Yamaha PSR-S770
Casio PX5-s

Toril S

Hallo Marcus, og velkommen til dette fantastiske forumet. Hilsen fra Norge :)
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Yamaha PSR-S770
Casio PX5-s


Hi Marcus
Welcome to you from the PSR Tutorial site.
I guess the mystique on keyboards with accompany styles from earlier times where that they were just kids toys to fool around with. Times have most certainly changed as you can hear them now and what people can do with them. If not for anything else; they certainly make you feel good no matter the playing level and bring much joy playing at home entertaining. I'm glad where at a time to enjoy these wonderful keyboards today and express musical abilities.

Craig "Keyboardist"
Arranger Workstations
My Performer Page


Hi Craig.
Yes they are quite impressive and as you say make you feel better than you are.
Best regards Marcus  yh
Yamaha PSR-S770
Casio PX5-s