For those who can't wait...

Started by Henni, Dec 16, 2017, 03:16 AM

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Get all the Genos styles Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login.

Drums repaired, but not re-voiced. They play near perfect on my PSR S770. As Peter, Onacimus, Drake and others re-voice them, you can just replace my ones with their new ones.

Joe, I do not upload here as I do not want to compete with those re-voicing these properly. These are just a temporary solution for those like me who simply can't wait and must have all of these NOW!

Jørgen, thank you so much for your fantastic software.

...Fly Forever!

Dick Rector

Thanks Henni, I downloaded them, it will keep me busy for some time. I can't wait!

PSR-2000 and PSR-S950


Nice but where could i download them now?


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Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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Ryszard Bieszczad

Thank you to Henni ;D
All styles play very well on Tyros 4.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

A day without making music is a lost day :)


Quote from: Henni on Dec 16, 2017, 03:16 AM
Jørgen, thank you so much for your fantastic software.

Hi Henni

Thanks... my contribution to an early Xmas this year...  ;D ;D

The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999



Revo Drum Cleaner software ver. 2.0 - Now with built in Remap Editor...

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Merry Xmas

The Unofficial YAMAHA Keyboard Resource Site at Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login
- since 1999

Roger Brenizer

Thank you for the styles, Henni.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Hi Henni, Thank you very much for the Styles😀
I look forward to trying them when I eventually get some time!
A very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year to you and your family.🎆
Kind regards

Ed B

Keep on learning


Hi everyone,

You are most welcome. Nice to be back at the Yamaha camp.

I sure miss Michael's fantastic re-voice program that now only caters up to the Tyros 4. Just think how fantastic it would have been to properly re-voice the Genos styles in one single batch conversion. Michael, I would gladly still make a lot of use of your MidiPlayer, even though it runs off Windows XP. Won't you consider one final upgrade to take the Genos voices to Tyros 4 format please?

Keep well all,

...Fly Forever!


Thank You for the Christmas gift Henni
OBoy something to experiment playing this Christmas  :D  :)  :)

Craig "Keyboardist"
Arranger Workstations
My Performer Page


    Thanks a ton Henni !!!  - Lot of fun going thru them.  -  Norm


Hi you techie guys, I'm too stupid to obtain these styles and I'd like to hear what I can hear before I pull the trigger on a Genos. Would anyone who has been able to obtain these files consider emailing them to me? Also, I've got a T5 for sale with FREE speakers and stand, hardly any wrong notes as I have used them almost all up. I don't utilize 8% of this T5 but I'm willing to be dumber at a higher cost. Don in MI