Saving Reverb Settings

Started by Lloyd E, Dec 04, 2017, 11:05 AM

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Lloyd E

How do you save your reverb settings into the registrations. I set the reverb for each registration and touch
memory, then touch the registration 1 and 2 and 3 and so on. Then when I go to the next registration it tells
me previous registration has changed, save?  I answer you and save. Later I go to the registrations I saved
the reverb settings in and sometimes they stay, other times it does not save.  Any answers to this?  Lloyd


Lloyd E

Mistake: I meant to say "yes"when it asks "do you want to save?". It came out "you". Sorry.  Lloyd :o


Depends what you mean by 'reverb settings'.

The actual global reverb program, plus parameter settings, saves when you select to save "Style" options.

The reverb depth for the left voice saves with 'Style'

The reverb depth for the right voices saves with 'Voice'