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Music Finder

Started by Bud2, Dec 03, 2017, 02:28 PM

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A friend of mine has just had the 709 and if he picks a song from the Music Finder it sets the 3 pedals to a particular function, i.e pedal 1 Sustain, 2 Harmony/Echo, 3 modulation. If he now chooses another tune the Pedals are set to something totally different, which is very confusing for him. Sadly I don't live close so I can have a look at this but hopefully someone on here has found the same thing and can possibly help him to solve this. I must admit it would confuse me if the pedals keep changing what they do for each tune I pick.
Many Thanks in advance.



If not mistaken the MusicFinder on the CVP709 works the same as on my Tyros 5. It just holds some settings that are pure style related (which intro and which variation to start with) Furthermore some data about the song like which category and such. It does NOT contain a pedal setup. The only way as far as i Know to store a pedal setup is in a registration not in MusciFinder. Your friend's (pedal) problem is not with MusicFinder. Are you sure he isn't using registrations? If he saves his style/voice setup etc. in a registration and alters pedals sometimes for some songs they will be stored as well in there. That is if he has enabled the pedal option. Changing songs in MusicFinder will not change the pedals but if he uses a voice registration after that and accidentaly had stored the pedal info as well in there it will look as if MF changes it.



On his CVP, he can probably use the "Freeze" function to freeze his preferred pedal settings and never let them get changed by a registration or style. This works on Yamaha keyboards.

Tom G.
Tyros 4


Hi thanks for your quick replys guys,  Peter he isn't using registrations he is only using Music Finder to play from. Tom, I will pass on your suggestion and will let you know if that cures the problem.
Cheers Bill.

Fred Smith

Quote from: Bud2 on Dec 04, 2017, 06:47 AM
Hi thanks for your quick replys guys,  Peter he isn't using registrations he is only using Music Finder to play from. Tom, I will pass on your suggestion and will let you know if that cures the problem.
Cheers Bill.

There is no way the music finder can change pedal assignments. It has to be something else.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi Fred, I must admit I thought it was strange but not having a CVP 709 only Tyros and Genos I said I would check here with people who do have one.
Many thanks.


Perhaps it is time then for your friend to start using a registration :) He could have 8 different foot pedal setups stored in a registration and set up a default one in bank 1 for example. One push and voilá his pedals do what they supposed to :)

I created one for your friend that ONLY sets up the pedals and leaves everything else untouched.
bank 1:
Right pedal set to CVP sustain (Right Hand 1 only)
Center pedal set to Sostenuto (Left and right hand 1)
Left pedal set to Soft (Right Hand 1 only)

A bit of fiddling and he can change it to whatever setting(s) he prefer.
hope it is of any help to your friend :)


[attachment deleted by admin]


Like Fred, I also thought that this was not possible,  however looking at the Reference Manuals and Data Lists of the '609 and '709, it appears that as well as in registrations,  the functions assigned to the Centre and Left internal pedal on certain CVPs are stored as part of the Voice Edit (Common) parameters (Voice Set).

This is what the CVP709 Reference manual says about this on page 45 in the section: 'Editable Parameters in the Voice Edit display'


This section allows you to select the function to be assigned to the center or left pedal. Before making any settings, make sure that the current part is set to Main; in other words, you should select the Main part by touching the Voice name at the top of the Voice Edit display, or by pressing the VOICE [MAIN/LAYER/LEFT] button. The settings here are called up automatically simply by selecting the corresponding Voice.

This presumably means that if a voice that includes pedal assignments is loaded into the MAIN voice part by any means, including a style (with OTS), MIDI song, or Music Finder, the left and centre built-in pedals could be set to different functions.   ???

Although the OP seems to be saying that all three pedals are changed with the voice, the manuals suggest that only the left and centre ones are, with the right one remaining as currently set.

I spotted the following on page 38 of the 709 Ref. manual which may help:

4 If you change the functions of the Center and Left pedals from the default settings, turn
"Switch With Main Voice(Center & Left)" on or off as desired.
When this is set to off, the function assignments of the Center and Left pedals are maintained even if the Main Voice
is changed (page 45).

If the above does not do what you want, I would agree with Tom G. that it is worth trying the Freeze button after checking the 'Pedal' group in the Freeze table.  This works with certain parameters on my Tyros4, even when not using registrations.




I stand corrected Ian,

Thanks for clearing that up, didn;t know that and didn't expect that.
It never hurts to learn something new :)



Hi guys, my friend says many thanks for your kind replies and out of all your suggestions the "Freeze" button solves the problem. He had a CVP 409 before he updated to the 709 and the pedals never changed from what he wanted them to do so he was shocked when the pedals started changing things he was not expecting. He mainly uses the MF to play the piano so he was really upset when he thought he was going to have to do a lot of work just to enjoy playing his new piano.
Anyway thanks to you guys he is now a happy person with only having to turn the "Freeze" on to get back to playing has he used to.  ;D
An early Merry Christmas to you all.