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Watch this and tell me if I really need a Genos sound.

Started by Pianoman, Nov 27, 2017, 12:01 PM

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Hello Everyone,

This video is from a summer outdoor barbecue party with friends here in Ibiza.
We do this once every year.

A group of 75 people come all the way from Holland just for this Barbecue and of course to the fun that Ibiza has to offer. They've become good friends of mine now, and everything is very casual and laid back here.

Just good friends, simple fun, and plenty of Argentinian Steaks and Spanish wine.

Here I'm playing solo guitar on my T3 for a few seconds..
It was just beginning to get dark so you can't see me very well.
It is something we black musicians always worry about when playing in semi darkness.

Please just enjoy the video and don't take me or the video too seriously.
I never take myself too seriously anyway.

Best Regards,

PS: The video size is small, so you may have to play it on full screen.
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Well done! Entertaining all those people!



Dat zijn, vijf en zeventig Nederlanders. Helemaal Gek.
Alle vrienden van mij. Wij doen dat elke jaar hier.

Best Regards,
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Hi Pianoman,

Impressive as usual!

For your information, the Genos has the following S.Art2! sounds with 3 articulation buttons associated, which allows you more controls on voice articulations, especially good for solos.  Since you know how to play saxophone, you will be very happy.
Unfortunately, acoustic and electric guitars sounds are not in the list, they are up to Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login! sounds only, which means only 2 articulation buttons per voice - for you they are probably not a limiting factor:

Group   Category   Name   Type   MSB   LSB   PC   Tyros 5   S970

Panel   Accordion   Harmonica   S.Art2!   8   64   105   Harmonica   -
Panel   Accordion   BluesHarmonica   S.Art2!   8   65   105   BluesHarp   -
Panel   Brass   Flugelhorn   S.Art2!   8   64   63   -   -
Panel   Brass   MuteTrumpet   S.Art2!   8   64   65   MuteTrumpet   -
Panel   Brass   SoftTrumpet   S.Art2!   8   64   66   JazzTrumpet   -
Panel   Brass   ClassicTrumpet   S.Art2!   8   65   66   ClassicTrumpet   -
Panel   Brass   Trombone   S.Art2!   8   65   74   Trombone   -
Panel   Brass   Trumpet   S.Art2!   8   66   66   Trumpet   -
Panel   Brass   BigBandTrumpet   S.Art2!   8   67   66   BigBandTrumpet   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   Flugelhorn   S.Art2!   9   64   63   -   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   MuteTrumpet   S.Art2!   9   64   65   MuteTrumpet   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   SoftTrumpet   S.Art2!   9   64   66   JazzTrumpet   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   ClassicTrumpet   S.Art2!   9   65   66   ClassicTrumpet   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   Trombone   S.Art2!   9   65   74   EnsTrombone   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   Trumpet1   S.Art2!   9   66   66   EnsTrumpet1   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   Trumpet2   S.Art2!   9   67   66   EnsTrumpet2   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   TromboneShake   S.Art2!   9   81   74   EnsTromboneSK   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   Trumpet1Shake   S.Art2!   9   82   66   EnsTrumpet1SK   -
EnsemblePart   Brass   Trumpet2Shake   S.Art2!   9   83   66   EnsTrumpet2SK   -
EnsemblePart   Others   Harmonica   S.Art2!   9   64   105   Harmonica   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   FunkBaritoneSax   S.Art2!   9   64   82   -   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   FunkAltoSax   S.Art2!   9   64   84   -   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   SopranoSax   S.Art2!   9   64   85   EnsSopranoSax   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   SmoothTenorSax   S.Art2!   9   65   81   JazzSax   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   BaritoneSax   S.Art2!   9   65   82   -   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   AltoSax   S.Art2!   9   65   84   -   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   BalladSopranoSax   S.Art2!   9   65   85   BalladSoprano   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   TenorSax   S.Art2!   9   66   81   EnsTenorSax   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   BigBandBaritone   S.Art2!   9   66   82   -   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   BigBandTenorSax   S.Art2!   9   66   83   -   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   BigBandAltoSax   S.Art2!   9   66   84   -   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   SopranoSaxGrowl   S.Art2!   9   80   85   EnsSopranoGR   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   BaritoneSaxGrowl   S.Art2!   9   81   82   -   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   AltoSaxGrowl   S.Art2!   9   81   84   -   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   TenorSaxGrowl   S.Art2!   9   82   81   EnsTenorSaxGR   -
EnsemblePart   Saxophone   TenorSaxShake   S.Art2!   9   84   81   EnsTenorSaxSK   -
Panel   Strings   JazzViolin   S.Art2!   8   64   49   JazzViolin   -
Panel   Strings   ClassicalCello   S.Art2!   8   64   51   -   -
Panel   Strings   CelticViolin   S.Art2!   8   65   49   CelticViolin   -
Panel   Strings   PopCello   S.Art2!   8   65   51   -   -
EnsemblePart   Strings   JazzViolin   S.Art2!   9   64   49   JazzViolin   -
EnsemblePart   Strings   ClassicalCello   S.Art2!   9   64   51   -   -
EnsemblePart   Strings   CelticViolin   S.Art2!   9   65   49   CelticViolin   -
EnsemblePart   Strings   PopCello   S.Art2!   9   65   51   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   IrishPipesAir   S.Art2!   8   64   109   IrishPipeAir   -
Panel   Woodwind   PopOboe   S.Art2!   8   64   69   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   PopBassoon   S.Art2!   8   64   71   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   ClassicalFlute   S.Art2!   8   64   75   ClassicalFlute   -
Panel   Woodwind   BreathyTenorSax   S.Art2!   8   64   81   BreathySax   -
Panel   Woodwind   FunkBaritoneSax   S.Art2!   8   64   82   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   FunkAltoSax   S.Art2!   8   64   84   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   PopSopranoSax   S.Art2!   8   64   85   PopSoprano   -
Panel   Woodwind   BalladClarinet   S.Art2!   8   64   93   BalladClarinet   -
Panel   Woodwind   IrishPipesDance   S.Art2!   8   65   109   IrishPipeDance   -
Panel   Woodwind   ClassicalOboe   S.Art2!   8   65   69   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   ClassicalBassoon   S.Art2!   8   65   71   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   JazzFlute   S.Art2!   8   65   75   JazzFlute   -
Panel   Woodwind   SmoothTenorSax   S.Art2!   8   65   81   JazzSax   -
Panel   Woodwind   BaritoneSax   S.Art2!   8   65   82   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   AltoSax   S.Art2!   8   65   84   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   BalladSopranoSax   S.Art2!   8   65   85   BalladSoprano   -
Panel   Woodwind   Clarinet   S.Art2!   8   65   93   Clarinet   -
Panel   Woodwind   TenorSax   S.Art2!   8   66   81   TenorSax   -
Panel   Woodwind   BigBandBaritone   S.Art2!   8   66   82   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   BigBandTenorSax   S.Art2!   8   66   83   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   BigBandAltoSax   S.Art2!   8   66   84   -   -
Panel   Woodwind   RomanceClarinet   S.Art2!   8   66   93   RomanceClarinet   -
EnsemblePart   Woodwind   IrishPipesAir   S.Art2!   9   64   109   -   -
EnsemblePart   Woodwind   PopOboe   S.Art2!   9   64   69   -   -
EnsemblePart   Woodwind   PopBassoon   S.Art2!   9   64   71   -   -
EnsemblePart   Woodwind   ClassicalFlute   S.Art2!   9   64   75   ClassicalFlute   -
EnsemblePart   Woodwind   ClassicalOboe   S.Art2!   9   65   69   -   -
EnsemblePart   Woodwind   ClassicalBassoon   S.Art2!   9   65   71   -   -
EnsemblePart   Woodwind   JazzFlute   S.Art2!   9   65   75   JazzFlute   -
EnsemblePart   Woodwind   Clarinet   S.Art2!   9   65   93   Clarinet   -



With your ability, the only one who will notice what keyboard you're playing is you, and maybe another arranger player. 
All the latest top of the line arrangers sound great; it's about what suits you, and the operating features you like to have.
I've always kept up with the latest models, and nobody notices when I change!
I will say the drums will be better on Genos though.  That and the weight are to me the biggest advances.


Thanks Paul.
I'll have to download this on my PC and print it as a Word file.
Was this originally from an Excel file or txt file?

Best Regards,
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Quote from: DonM on Nov 27, 2017, 12:33 PM
With your ability, the only one who will notice what keyboard you're playing is you, and maybe another arranger player. 
All the latest top of the line arrangers sound great; it's about what suits you, and the operating features you like to have.
I've always kept up with the latest models, and nobody notices when I change!
I will say the drums will be better on Genos though.  That and the weight are to me the biggest advances.

Thanks Don.
I'll keep that in mind. Actually Gary basically said the same thing yesterday too.
That the only one who will notice a difference will be me. Not the audience.
They just want to party, whatever keyboard you play.

Best Regards,
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Quote from: Pianoman on Nov 27, 2017, 12:34 PM
Thanks Paul.
I'll have to download this on my PC and print it as a Word file.
Was this originally from an Excel file or txt file?

Best Regards,

Hi Pianoman,

See this message for Genos Voices Excel file:
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See this message for Genos Styles Excel file:
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You can click the attachments to download them, thanks to Uli's contribution.



Hi Pianoman,

A very detailed style comparison thread for Tyros3, Tyros4, Tyros5 vs Genos from Wim NL, where you can download the Excel file:
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You are an awesome keyboard player, singer and entertainer. No keyboard can replace these skills or your personally that shines through your playing.

Since you are already familiar with the Tyros and you worn out your Tyros 3, I would lean towards a lightly used Tyros replacement or a brand new Tyros5/Genos arranger. Go with the lighter Genos and all the advantages this new arranger has loaded.

Yamaha place a lot of emphasis on the Genos contemporary/dance music theme. Yamaha's Martin Harris pointed out his high interest in 80s music and how these Retro pop/rock styles and sound made their way into the Genos. Completely leans towards your genre of party and music entertainment performances.

As you know, a strong drum and bass parts are what drives dance music. The ability on the Genos to switch up individual drum instruments or edit within a drumkit would work out very well as you tweak what you like, plus great new Revo kits and retro drum kits.

I don't have my Genos yet, but many forum members report the significant improvement in the bass style parts. Again, super necessary in driving a dance/party style. You also like to work and take advantage of all those SA2 voices and the articulations. Huge upgrade with respect to increased number and improved live, sweet, SA, SA2 and Mega voices plus all the styles and multipads that use them.

So I would be in the opinion that with all the significant improvements on the Genos, your great playing would sound significantly better and more noticeable on a Genos, plus more resources for you to work from.

A new Tyros 5 would also be a good choice, but give the Genos a good work over when you get the chance and make the best informed decision you can make.



 Hello pianoman ,       That was outstanding  !    You play fantastic and we're having a wonderful time and that's what really matters  ;D   we would have a great time ,  Jamming ,   Godspeed , TotallyKenny   8)
Music for life


Why does a violin virtuoso need a Stradivarius if he never plays for real music lovers ? .... For his own pleasure .

Toril S

Hi Pianoman. Awsome!!! You do not need a Genos!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page

Jeff Hollande

Hi Pianoman,

IMHO someone's playing skills, musical talent, great performance and the pro sound quality are impressing the audience.

A talented musician, singer and/or entertainer does not need the latest arranger keyboard to convince his public but it might be a very useful tool to improve a gig or a show.



Hi Pianoman

That was incredible,😁😁
I reckon  you  could make a comb and  a piece of greaseproof paper sound good.😆😆

Makes me wonder why I bother 😃😃


Previous keyboards-Yamaha PSR 410,Technics KN2000,KN5000,KN6000 , KN7000, Tyros5 and Genos

Roger Brenizer

The link has expired, Pianoman, so unfortunately I didn't get to watch your video.  :(

What's a Genos?  LOL!!!  I've watched enough of your videos to know you could make any keyboard sound good.  :)  :)  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Hi Roger.

I managed to get the link back again.
So you can watchbit now.

Best Regards,
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Pianoman, Great show! Some people got it and some don''ve got it!!
You'd sound good on any keyboard, but you'd probably feel a whole lot better playing a Genos :)


Thanks Stephen.

The link to the video had expired. I didn't know that it had a shelf life of X hours then it expires.

One of the Dutch guys at the Barbecue party had posted it on Facebook.
I really don't have a clue how to download  it from Facebook.

I tried installing some Facebook download apps.
But you have to enter Facebook through the app, which means giving them your login password.

I slammed on the brakes and quickly uninstalled them.
I'll just have to keep reloading the link every time it expires.

Best Regards,
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WOW! I had to watch multiple times to get the full effect. Although I believe you left out a note around the 55 second mark. Please send more.  Don in MI


Hi Pianoman, thank you for this nice moment with your music, great guitars, cheers Patrick


I put Pianoman's guitar solo on Tyros 3 video on Youtube as public video, until he updates his video link:



I'm told I do not have permission to open the video


Quote from: Afton72 on Nov 28, 2017, 01:41 AM
I'm told I do not have permission to open the video

Hi Alan,

I put Pianoman's guitar solo on Tyros 3 video on Youtube as public video, which can be accessed by anyone - there are already 21 views as of now:


Spirit of the old South

All this leaves me with one quetsion.

Who has more benefit from upgrading to the latest and greatest?

An average player like me?
Or a real pro that can squeeze the last bit out of every instrument?
Or maybe even a beginner?

Jeff Hollande

Good question, Spirit !

The budget might probably be the main issue, I guess.😧



Thanks to Paul for reuploading to YT.
(This is why Facebook will never replace YT as it is all over the place with sharing links it seems. Expired links? Really, Zuckerberg?  ::))

Awesome skills Pianoman! Love it.  8)  Would love to be able to entertain people in that way one day, I'm doing my ABRSM and Rockschool grades in my late 30s so who knows. The video shows that these arrangers can form the centrepiece of the music/entertainment at a party when they are in good hands for sure.

You definitely DON'T NEED a Genos I reckon going by those skills but another way to look at it is if you have such great skills you might as well get the best there is. You could probably make an old PSR arranger sound good, but why bother. If I were in your position with such public entertainment opportunities, had those skills and the cash was available I'd get one for sure. Don't think you'd need to upgrade from each arranger to the next. From a Tyros 4 to 5 might not be worthwhile. But from a Tyros 3 to a Genos probably is enough of a sound quality improvement & functionality improvement to justify it in your position.

Definitely go to some shops and demo the Genos. It's not as if you would irritate the shop owners / other customers if you can play that well.  ;D

I've been playing some basic guitar chords for over 20 years or so (never really improved). I have a basic Fender acoustic guitar. I remember about 15 years ago visiting a guitar store in Amsterdam with my father and playing a $5000 Martin acoustic. It was as if the guitar played it itself. Such moments definitely prove to me it is worth spending the extra money if you have the cash (and skills). And thus it definitely is worth while having a Tyros / Genos over the top of the line PSR etc despite what some may say. There wouldn't be any point giving Max Verstappen or Lewis Hamilton the keys to a battered up Lada at the start of the next grand prix etc.  ;)

I see people argue on Youtube demo videos about the cost of a Genos. Such people probably don't know that there are $100.000 - 250.000 Steinways and Faziolis out there.


Quote from: Afton72 on Nov 28, 2017, 01:41 AM
I'm told I do not have permission to open the video

Hi Paul,

You're a genius and a gentleman.
I had been struggling all evening to get the video back up again after it had expired.
I will now download it to my phone.
I am not a very technological guy regarding all this Facebook and YouTube stuff.
In fact it was my 20 yr old son who filmed and posted the YouTube videos on my behalf, for my YouTube channel.
Again you have come through for me. Many thanks.

Best Regards,
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It's amazing how sometimes our children/grandchildren can actually HELP US!  Mine have been doing so for years - technology wise.  There's always something new to learn and they can always answer any question I have at the time.  Lovely benefit!

I have also previously watched your videos in amazement and total ENVY!!  You gave a gift and the GENOS would only enhance it even more in my opinion.  I got mine a couple of weeks ago (and kept my T5) and it's definitely more user friendly and the sounds to me are exquisite right out of the box.
