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Datalist Style Tyros3,4,5 vs Genos

Started by Wim NL, Nov 26, 2017, 04:53 PM

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Wim NL

Here my datalist to compare Styles Tyros3, Tyros4, Tyros5 vs Genos (G1)

[attachment deleted by admin]
Best Regards,


Thanks for sharing Wim, great work and much appreciated.



Awesome, nice job.

Thanks, Marcus

Roger Brenizer

"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Thank you Wim, great work.

I made a similar comparison, but just based on the names. Your list contains much more information.

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


Thank you very much Wim  :) :) :)


Wim NL

QuoteI made a similar comparison, but just based on the names.

The names don't very often compar.
What use to be named style1 is now style2 or style3
The number 1 styles are the most recent (first choice)
Many have been renamed.

I have made a musicfinder file from all the preset styles from the Tyros5.
So when i load it into the Genos, and when the style is not available, it will always comes with a alternative style.

=     : same style same name
TAG : same kind of style but different style name
NEW : Brand New, not in the Tyros5 present
Best Regards,

Wim NL

New style in Genos witch are not in Tyros3, 4 or 5

Pop   1.01   SkyPop
Pop   1.02   KissDancePop
Pop   1.03   BoyBandPop
Pop   1.04   CinematicPop
Pop   1.05   BritishDancePop
Pop   1.06   SongwriterBallad
Pop   1.07   UnpluggedBallad
Pop   1.08   6-8GuitarBallad
Pop   1.10   EpicDivaBallad
Pop   2.01   SweetPop
Pop   2.02   OrchestralPop
Pop   2.04   PopTeenShuffle
Pop   2.05   DivaChartPunk
Pop   2.06   SoulfulBallad
Pop   2.07   PowerPopBallad
Pop   2.09   EpicEuroBallad
Pop   3.01   DivaPowerPop
Pop   3.06   SmoothPopBallad
Pop   4.02   CrazyPop
Pop   5.01   PopRockShuffle
Rock   1.01   80sClassicRock
Rock   1.02   HighRoadRock
Rock   1.06   IndieRock
Rock   1.07   Summer8BeatRock
Rock   1.10   80sRockDiva
RetroPop   1.01   80sMonsterHit
RetroPop   1.02   80sTeenDisco
RetroPop   1.03   80sPopDiva
RetroPop   1.04   80sEuroPop
RetroPop   1.06   80sClassic6-8
RetroPop   1.07   80sFunkIcon
RetroPop   1.08   80sRetroDisco
RetroPop   1.09   80sBritishPop
RetroPop   1.10   80sSynthDuo
RetroPop   2.01   GrooveShack
RetroPop   2.02   BritishSunnyPop
RetroPop   2.03   SunnyReggae
RetroPop   2.07   Wonder8Beat
RetroPop   2.09   Swedish8BeatPop
RetroPop   3.01   80sSynthBallad
RetroPop   3.03   80sPopBallad
RetroPop   3.05   80sChilloutSynth
Oldies   1.01   60sBlueEyedSoul
Oldies   1.03   60sVintageRumba
Oldies   1.04   60sGuitarRock
Oldies   1.05   60sBritishSoul
Oldies   2.09   BoogieWoogie
Oldies   4.01   SingalongDanceBand
Oldies   4.04   SimpleShuffle
Dance   1.01   PartyAnthem
Dance   1.02   Reggaeton
Dance   1.03   Dubstep
Dance   1.04   DanceFloor
Dance   1.06   ElectroPop
Dance   1.07   HardTrance
Dance   1.08   EDM Anthem
Dance   1.09   Slow'n'Swingin'
Dance   1.10   ChartEDM
Dance   2.01   ElectroHouse
Dance   2.02   StreetBeatbox
Dance   2.03   RockYaBeatbox
Dance   3.05   TrancePop
Dance   4.01   DJ ClubHouse
Dance   4.02   DJ MiamiHouse
Dance   4.03   DJ ElectroHouse
Dance   4.04   DJ GangstaHouse
Dance   4.05   DJ GrindHouse
Dance   4.06   DJ PianoHouse
Dance   4.07   DJ ElectroStep
Dance   4.08   DJ Eurodance1
Dance   4.09   DJ Eurodance2
Dance   4.10   DJ TropicalHouse
R&B   1.02   SoulShuffle
R&B   1.06   SuperGroove
R&B   1.08   SwingSoul
R&B   2.01   GuitarBlues
R&B   2.04   AcousticShuffle
R&B   3.02   80sGrooveBallad
R&B   3.05   90sPopGroove
Entertainer   1.02   DreamSchlager
Entertainer   1.03   FantasyFox
Entertainer   1.04   ApresSkiParty
Entertainer   1.05   MalleDiscoKing
Entertainer   1.07   VolksDance
Entertainer   1.08   OktoberRockHit
Entertainer   1.09   ElectroSchlager
Entertainer   1.10   VolksSchlager
Entertainer   2.01   PopRumba
Entertainer   2.02   Schlager3-4
Entertainer   2.03   RockPartyKing
Entertainer   2.04   AustrianDiscoPop
Entertainer   2.05   AustrianGuitarPop
Entertainer   5.01   PandaHipHop
Country   1.01   CountryFolk8Beat
Country   1.02   CountryFolkUpbeat
Country   1.03   CountrySongwriter
Country   1.04   AcousticBluegrass
Country   1.05   PopBluegrass
Country   1.06   NashvillePop
Country   1.07   NashvilleRock
Country   1.08   NashvilleBreakPop
Country   1.09   NashvilleBallad1
Country   1.10   NashvilleBallad2
Country   2.01   CountryFolkBallad
Country   2.02   CountrySwingBallad
Country   2.08   Country8Beat1
Country   3.03   CountryShuffle1
Country   4.01   FastCountryBleus
Jazz   1.01   BigBandCrooner
Jazz   1.02   BigBandCount
Jazz   2.01   JazzOrganBallad
Jazz   2.02   JazzOrganGrinder
EasyListening   1.01   PartyAGogo
EasyListening   1.02   HappyBeat
EasyListening   1.06   LushBallad
EasyListening   1.10   Orchestral12-8
EasyListening   2.03   70sPopDuo2
Latin   1.03   SambaRio
Latin   1.04   PopCumbia
Latin   1.06   LatinPop
Latin   1.07   BossaRio
Latin   2.04   SmoothLatinBallad
Latin   3.04   PopMerengue
Ballroom   1.01   MoonWaltz
Movie&Show   1.01   TV Blockbuster
Ballroom   1.02   FinalWaltz
Movie&Show   1.02   BoxingLegend
Ballroom   1.06   Quickstep1
Ballroom   2.01   Cha-cha1
Ballroom   2.05   Pasodoble1
Ballroom   3.01   Jive1
Movie&Show   1.07   RomanticMovie
Movie&Show   2.04   AnimationFantasy
Movie&Show   2.07   80sDetective
Movie&Show   2.08   CultKidsTV
Movie&Show   3.03   BroadwayBallad
Classic&Events   1.01   RussianWaltz
Classic&Events   2.01   80sChristmas
Classic&Events   2.05   AmbientChristmas
Trad&Folk   1.01   OberkrainerPolka1
Trad&Folk   1.06   OberkrainerWaltz1
Trad&Folk   1.10   StubnmusiWaltz
Trad&Folk   3.01   SwingingMusette
Best Regards,


That is a tremendous help. Much appreciate it.


Thanks so much! Can't wait to see how well the new styles may work on earlier KBs.... Happy New Year!


 A  great contribution Wim.  Thank you.  Bob


Quote from: Wim NL on Nov 26, 2017, 04:53 PM
Here my datalist to compare Styles Tyros3, Tyros4, Tyros5 vs Genos (G1)
You are the man. Your data list is so helpful. Not sure how you made this complex thing up, but just fantastic to help me cross-reference my Tyros 5 styles to the Genos styles as I am now reworking or re-assembling new Genos style parts to my transferred Tyros 5 custom styles, plus indicating the brand new styles.

I just finished reworking all previous Tyros 5 custom work and files to the newer upgraded Genos voices, Drum kits, multipads and DSPs. With the latest Genos FW v.1.20 and my updated Tyros 5 registrations, I feel I am road worthy now to gig with my Genos. Now any additions and improvements I make with the brand new Genos styles/files becomes just a bonus. Also love the fact I can use and modify any previous audio styles as well. Bound by limitations and restrictions on the Tyros 5, I am now set free for many years on my Genos.

I printed a 10 page landscape version of your original slsx file and a condensed version with only the Tyros 5/Genos columns. Again, a great resource, thanks.



Great work Wim.

This is definitely useful, and something to keep.
Thank you for the effort.

Best Regards.
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hey Wim you missed one out in the Retro its called Rose Dico and also R and b Band

Spirit of the old South

Quote from: Wim NL on Nov 27, 2017, 12:33 PM
The names don't very often compar.
What use to be named style1 is now style2 or style3
The number 1 styles are the most recent (first choice)
Many have been renamed.

I have made a musicfinder file from all the preset styles from the Tyros5.
So when i load it into the Genos, and when the style is not available, it will always comes with a alternative style.

=     : same style same name
TAG : same kind of style but different style name
NEW : Brand New, not in the Tyros5 present

Thank you, but there is 2 missing, ALT and one style has a green X
Could you please clarify those for me.

Wim NL

Quotehey Wim you missed one out in the Retro its called Rose Dico and also R and b Band

Genos : RoseDisco (RetroPop 4.08) = Tyros 5 : RoseDisco (Entertainer 1C)

I can't find R and b Band
Best Regards,

Wim NL

QuoteThank you, but there is 2 missing, ALT and one style has a green X
Could you please clarify those for me.

There are 3 styles with green X.

Classic&Events   5.02   ChristmasBallad   506   596   X
My mistake, this one should be black =
Classic&Events   5.02   ChristmasBallad   506   596   =

Trad&Folk   2.08   CelticDance3-4   530   629   X
Is present but is audio style in Tyros5

Trad&Folk   2.06   BrassBand   528   627   X
Is present with same name but is different style.

Best Regards,

Gunnar Jonny

When compare, don't forget to pay attention to that same style name does not always refer to exact similiar style.
Intros, fills, endings and also the styles variations might have been reworked and sound different for each new model. ;)
Cheers & Happy Playing. 🍷 🎶🎵
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


Quote from: Wim NL on Feb 28, 2018, 09:42 PM
Genos : RoseDisco (RetroPop 4.08) = Tyros 5 : RoseDisco (Entertainer 1C)

I can't find R and b Band
it is called R and b Blues band

Wim NL

Quoteit is called R and b Blues band

In which keyboard is this style.

There is no style "R and b Blues band" in Tyros 3, 4 or 5 or Genos.
Best Regards,

Wim NL

Here the data list: Styles T5vsG1 G1vsT5

G1 vs T5 = Style : Tyros5 vs Genos (Sorted at Genos)

T5 vs G1 = Style : Genos vs Tyros5 (Sorted at Tyros5)

G1 NEW = Style : Genos New

T5 NEW = Style : Tyros5 New (not in Genos)
Best Regards,