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Multipad button position

Started by John T4, Nov 11, 2017, 01:14 PM

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John T4

 Hi does anyone find the new position for multipads awkward, compared to tyros five .where you have time to press them with the left hand, but in the new position, no time with the right hand...or is it just me .?.


How do Tyros users experience the new position of the Multi Pads on the Genos?
After having used the Multi Pads with the left hand for 10 years it can't be that easy, I guess.

I have lots of songs with MP's in them, many made by Scharrenberg ( A lot of those MP's need to be applied on a specific beat and right hand notes being played at the same time. It's been hard enough doing it with the left hand trying to get a chord in there at the same time. It's not always feasible to use a registration sequence or pedal command to insert a MP, so I wonder how this is done on a Genos, without the use of an MCFC10.

Your suggestions and recommendations are welcome.
I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


Just to note that the layout order of the style. registration, multipad and OTS buttons is now identical across the latest PSR and Genos keyboards, so someone at Yamaha likes it a lot.

Joe H

I've had no problems with operating the Multi Pads with the right hand.  In fact, I posted several years back that the Multi Pad buttons were in an awkward place the on Tyros left side of the keyboard.  The problem I saw was playing chords with the left hand, operating the Style Controls and operating the Multi Pads.

I guess it's whatever we are used to.

Joe H

Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Thank you Joe, and Derek.

I don't have the Genos, yet. Most of the songs I play are programmed in Registrations and I use the registration sequence function to move forward in the song.
Many of those songs include Multi Pads an by using the sequence function I'm able to push the MP button right on time with my left hand, watching the Bar counter - which is not yet available on the Genos' display.

So, I guess I will have to re-program myself   ;)  (or stop using the MP's, not!)  if I decide to upgrade to the Genos.

I was just wondering how members on this forum dealt with it.

I'm not talented ... but I practice a lot.
please visit


I find it easier to use Multi pad buttons on Genos They are the same on the 970. You soon get used to it.


At the beginning, about two or three days, I had pressed again and again on MultiPads instead of OTS. On T5, in place of Genos's Multipads it was OTS. Now I have to be very carefully on what I press... I look twice before I press...

Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos