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STOP blame Genos

Started by valimaties, Nov 02, 2017, 02:23 PM

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Heeeiiii guys... please Stop blame Genos.

It is a thing saying that some functions missing, or some features don't work properly, but starting threads with "...not convinced", other brands model are better than Genos, etc... those words are not for this forum  >:(
I said that some features are not working along threads on this forum, that some features are missing... but I did not said that is a bad keyboard, and saying that Korg is better, you are pleased to go and buy PA4X, Pa5X or PA12X, I really don't care  >:(

I'm shure that hard bugs will be repaired, I think I will love even the back curves, so even will not be full features as Roland or Korg, I will stay on, and buy, Yamaha!
Full stop!   >:(
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Yes I feel the same and am looking forward very much to receiving mine. I think it is now time to stop bad mouthing Genos and let people enjoy it.


Yes      I absolutely agree.    STOP RAINING ON MY PARADE !!!!!!

Lately I have felt that the whole world is angry! At least angrier than when Tyros 5 was released.  I detest politics but I see so much negativity in EVERYTHING going on in the world. I have read posts on this forum that have surprised me on their personal attacks on other members or the Genos.  This place was never like this before.................  I'd better stop before I really get pissed.............. -charley


Like all new things in life, you have to accept them for what they are.   A restaurant changes hands, the menu is probably going to be different..  With five Tyros's in a row, they basically just improved on each version.. When I got my T4, and then T5, I was not overly impressed,  I was somewhat unhappy that some patches and minor things were different.  But within a week of purchase, I was very glad I updated.

The Genos (got mine a week or so ago)  has more changes, but a lot of it is very similar, definitely laid out differently..   I haven't nearly begun to explore it yet, cause I am knee deep in finishing some pieces.. You HAVE to meet each new change in l life half way..   The Genos has added more synths EDM patches (hate EDM music).. So I have no use for those. but it's not the end of the world..

I do like the Genos, still have a lot to learn..  I could see where perhaps some users might not be so thrilled with it, cause it's really coming from a different approach, than the Tyros's were.. 

It's also true, the world is a much more angry and frustrated place then 4 years ago..  Reaching the age of 69,  I definitely do not tolerate change as well as I used to.

It's only fair to approach the Genos with an open mind.

The world has reached such a frenzied pace, I think companies are just changing things so it can be labelled 'NEW" and they can justify a higher price range..  I DO NOT think Yamaha is doing this..  The Digital outputs and addition of a significant more  DSPS makes me very happy.. 

We will all find aspects that we think it advanced, or lost ground..  But LIFE never stays the same, we have to adapt.


I cant agree more.  Stop parading what others can do. This is not a general keyboard forum where you talk about ALL keyboards brands. THIS IS A YAMAHA FORUM.I cant help thinking that some of the very harsh criticism of GENOS and the subsequent glorification of other models in the same breath is MOTIVATED.

A die hard Yamaha Fan. Just waiting for Genos to be launched in India.

Anand Kr Maloo

Spirit of the old South

Quote from: markstyles on Nov 02, 2017, 10:08 PM
Like all new things in life, you have to accept them for what they are.   , we have to adapt.

Well, for software parts this is only partly true
IF something is written in software
Then it can be improved, and patched, to improve over the course of a live span.
A good example of this is the Yamaha Montage
That is where Yamaha adapted to the wishes of the customers

However, for those buying a Genos right now, then indeed need to love and accept it as it is.
Buying something now, and hoping Yamaha will improve the things you don't like, are missing, are bugged is foolish.

only time will tell
and as the Genos is right now, there is a lot to be loved


Jean Abdou

Quote from: valimaties on Nov 02, 2017, 02:23 PM
Heeeiiii guys... please Stop blame Genos.

It is a thing saying that some functions missing, or some features don't work properly, but starting threads with "...not convinced", other brands model are better than Genos, etc... those words are not for this forum  >:(
I said that some features are not working along threads on this forum, that some features are missing... but I did not said that is a bad keyboard, and saying that Korg is better, you are pleased to go and by PA4X, Pa5X or PA12X, I really don't care  >:(

I'm shure that hard bugs will be repaired, I think I will love even the back curves, so even will not be full features as Roland or Korg, I will stay on, and buy, Yamaha!
Full stop!   >:(

Actually Genos is not a bad keyboard, the way Yamaha advertised it though was dishonest. There are so many mistakes Yamaha made in advertising it.

The first and the worst one is to release a product without releasing the reference manual and a fully functional YEM. It is the buyers right to know what really an instrument is capable of fully when s/he is buying it.

The second is the fake teasers. Genos is not a studio gear and in the videos it is advertised in way to give the impression that it's a vital product in music production.

There are many more. I believe Yamaha has been dishonest in advertising this product.

Genos, as an arranger though is a great keyboard. For sure among the top arrangers but definitely it is not what Yamaha is advertising it.


Quote from: Jean Abdou on Nov 03, 2017, 12:36 AM
Actually Genos is not a bad keyboard, the way Yamaha advertised it though was dishonest. There are so many mistakes Yamaha made in advertising it.

The first and the worst one is to release a product without releasing the reference manual and a fully functional YEM. It is the buyers right to know what really an instrument is capable of fully when s/he is buying it.

It's not true!!! Please look at first competitor! It seems that first of all it release the keyboard and after that it put the Owners Manual on site, not Advanced Edit Manual! I know this because I owned 2 models and I watched ;)

Quote from: Jean Abdou on Nov 03, 2017, 12:36 AM
The second is the fake teasers. Genos is not a studio gear and in the videos it is advertised in way to give the impression that it's a vital product in music production.

Fake teasers?! It's only your impression!

Yes, it exist a big mistake in one of Martin Harris presentation videos, when it tells that wave cycling is the first time seen in a hardware instrument. It is not true, but I can step off it :D
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


Quote from: valimaties on Nov 03, 2017, 02:01 AM
Fake teasers?! It's only your impression!

I must 100% agree. The teasers did not promise anything. Just nice pictures, as in every advertisement.  All interpretations made here were 100% fictional.  8)
Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


Along with many others, I'll be going to a Genos demo next week where I can finally hear for myself what it can do and hopefully ask some questions. So it will become real.


Has anyone here heard of the psychological term Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login, sometimes also called post-purchase rationalisation? I ask because there appears to be clear symptoms of it on this forum...

To the OP, is it really your wish that this place becomes a solid mass of people saying how they are 100% satisfied with their new £4K+ purchase? Firstly, don't you think that would be rather boring and secondly, what use is a forum like that? Will it help people make an informed choice about spending a seriously large chunk of money? Will it help Yamaha get a feel for what they should expand, curtail or fix in the next iteration of that keyboard?

First of all, let's admit that every electronic keyboard in existence is a compromise. Let's take digital pianos as an example. My main instrument here is a Yamaha CP4 but I also have a Casio PX-5S which I use as a back-up. I love the Casio's ultra light weight but its acoustic piano sample is a bit artificial around the middle of the range. But it only cost me around £700.  The Yamaha feels superior in almost every way but it's heavier and the interface is clumsy. Cost, around £1600.

The more one pays for an instrument, the more one has the expectation of these compromises becoming increasingly minor. However, in Yamaha's arranger world, it doesn't seem to work like that. I like my T4 a lot and can easily lose myself in it for an hour or more when I have more urgent work to do! I paid £1,500k second hand. However, even at that price, I find myself niggling at the cheap feel of the keybed, the sliders and the unit's overall quality of materials. It doesn't feel like you're getting a lot of hardware for your money.

There have been times when I've genuinely considered getting a Genos, believe me – but then I come back to issues such as the OTS sound bumps (and Yamaha surely has the software expertise to fix this, if it could be bothered) and half-assed bits of software like the YEM (make the smallest of changes, reload the whole lot). And I take another look at that price ticket.

I'm sorry, but there's something faintly ridiculous about demanding that people not be critical in any way of a keyboard, just because you've spent a serious amount of money on one sight unseen (which is what many here appear to have done).


One thing I've learned with Yamaha is that if you don't complain loudly and publicly they don't listen.

When I bought my T4 it was so full of bugs it was impossible to use with custom content. I called Yamaha and they denied any issues. This went on for months. I then went and made 4 YouTube videos illustrating 4 deminstratable bugs. The videos got 100k hits.

Guess what: The only update ever released for this keyboard was to fix these 4 bugs. I also made $250 on YouTube advertising which was a nice plus.


Quote from: chony on Nov 03, 2017, 07:24 AM
One thing I've learned with Yamaha is that if you don't complain loudly and publicly they don't listen.

When I bought my T4 it was so full of bugs it was impossible to use with custom content. I called Yamaha and they denied any issues. This went on for months. I then went and made 4 YouTube videos illustrating 4 deminstratable bugs. The videos got 100k hits.

Guess what: The only update ever released for this keyboard was to fix these 4 bugs. I also made $250 on YouTube advertising which was a nice plus.

No, when you want to reach Yamaha, you need to write a letter and ask them nicely to change things..


I think everyone realises that there are bound to be certain things on any keyboard that will not suit everyone and that updates will do there best to right anything that is not working properly, but it has been this constant comparing to other make keyboards that has got people down. We chose to buy a Yamaha keyboard and don't want to keep being told that if we had bought a Korg we would be better off. Yes of course there will be players that just want to sit and play. There are also others that will delve into the board and edit and adjust until they have the sounds and styles they are happy with. There will be some that sit at home and some that go out and earn money playing for others.
  We all know that Yamaha put out teasers. Just accept them for what they are. It worked because it got you all talking  about YAMAHA.
  Just sit back and enjoy your new keyboards and have fun. You are a long time dead.


Yamaha upgraded or corrected at least 90% of the realistic forum requests from past lists, even down to the ability to dim the blue LED lights on the Genos from complaints that the Tyros4/5 button lights were too bright/distracting in a dark room stage. If Yamaha goes to that much detail to the little issue of the LED lights, then they listen and care about improving their product to meet the demands of their customers.

We go through the same negativity cycle with the introduction of each new arranger, specially the flagship arranger because it is out of reach for most. Yes, definitely more negativity this time round. It will subside in the forums just as before, and the Yamaha flagship arranger still remains the industry leader for those pros, semi-pro, home musicians or amateurs that can enjoy and appreciate their investment. 




I think a lot in here misunderstand the critical stuff. Its not that we don't think Genos is outstanding and shining. I only read one saying that you were better of with Korg. The rest of the critic-persons say that things could be better. In my eyes its constructive critic that Yamaha at least should listen to. Some of it dosnt make sense, some does. When the Tyros (1) arrived 15 years ago some of us had the chance to give critic directly to Yamaha. And they listened! Some of the critic stuff was changed in software and most in Tyros2. I really hope the do the same this time, so Genos2 will be perfect :-) Although a lot of the critic is to the software, even more to the outside software in fx YEM. And thats easy to deal with. But if you don't tell whats wrong, how should they know?
I thing most of us - a least us playing T5 are SO satisfied with the physical appearance of Genos. In my eyes its perfect!
Personally I only put critics on the software in YEM, and the main reason is that Yamaha launch Genos as a top arranger, much more fit for studio-prod. as shown in the teasers fx, and only 76 keys etc. But at the end of the day, it for pro's are just as limited as T5, and you could come deeper in editing voices fx in T4 - even in T1 15 years ago!
Another point: Some put critic on the price, but the price are almost the same as T5-76. Look which country you are from - England, Norway fx - and take a look on your currency. I guess Yamaha demand their money in $ or € :-)   
Yamaha electone organ: D3 (70's), HS6, EL90
Yamaha Keyboards: PSR 7000, 8000, 9000, 9000pro, Tyros 1,2,3,4,5-76 Genos 1,2


Quote from: valimaties on Nov 02, 2017, 02:23 PM
Heeeiiii guys... please Stop blame Genos.

It is a thing saying that some functions missing, or some features don't work properly, but starting threads with "...not convinced", ..... those words are not for this forum  >:(

Full stop!   >:(

Saying one is "not convinced" should not be words that should be banished from this forum.

It seems to me that there are two camps here.

Those that have the Genos already, or have ordered one, and who perhaps, understandably, would like a pat on the back and reassuring words that they have made the right decision,

And those who are still waiting for more info before taking the plunge and are voicing their concerns here.

The latter should be encouraged and enlightened, not vilified.

Those who have not yet ordered or possess this instrument are faithful PSR or Tyros owners and all they want is to be absolutely sure before parting with the equivalent of 4500 Euros.

Some may need to sell one of their kidneys or something else in order to acquire one of these TOTL instruments nowadays.

I believe that the poster of the " Not Convinced"  thread was referring primarily to demos that have not yet satisfied him.
One must admit that so far the user demos have highlighted more the user's playing ability than the actual sounds and styles of the instrument. Especially the styles. You can hardly hear them.

I'm sure that everyone here appreciates the goodwill of Genos owners who have dedicated some of their precious time to post thier demos or links to said demos here. And they should be applauded.

I have suggested, in another thread, that having one demo for styles (without playing) and another demo just for the sounds where one could play to thier heart's content (without using styles) would be a huge help to those still sitting on the fence .

Please do not vilify them.

On a lighter note.
I saw this video of Bill Maher lamenting what people call sharing nowadays.
Where in the old days sharing was when you shared your school lunch with a less fortunate kid,
and nowadays you take a picture of your lunch and share it with the less fortunate on social media.

I still remember those days,  when compassion and understanding was the rule.
Not the exception.

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Good points made there in your above post. It would be nice to hear all the Genos styles separately from the Voice parts, but still important to hear the OTS links destinated to each style and the use of the Voice's articulation and SA2/3 function from within a style genre or specific style.

Especially important to the OTS links in the "Game of Thrones" themed style, where articulated strings were demoed to match the song style. Hearing Multipad links to the styles are important as well.

Just knowing better quality sounds, voices, drum kits and DSPs are included in the upgraded Genos would obviously lean towards better and more authentic styles. Just the tons of more Mega style voices and huge Multipad increase is testament to that.

I already love my library of Tyros 5 styles and hundreds of customized styles I edited. They will sound even better on a Genos even before I rework them further.


Jean Abdou

Quote from: valimaties on Nov 03, 2017, 02:01 AM
It's not true!!! Please look at first competitor! It seems that first of all it release the keyboard and after that it put the Owners Manual on site, not Advanced Edit Manual! I know this because I owned 2 models and I watched ;)

Fake teasers?! It's only your impression!

Yes, it exist a big mistake in one of Martin Harris presentation videos, when it tells that wave cycling is the first time seen in a hardware instrument. It is not true, but I can step off it :D

If I want to buy a product in the price range of 5k, I want to know every single little detail of it. When I purchased my MOTIF, I already knew what I was buying and what it is capable of.

For me, the Genos manual was not sufficient and satisfactory. For a product like Genos, it is crucial to know what features are available in YEM as well as the keyboard hardware.

About the teaser, I don't see anyone composing any of those songs with Genos. It is a plain stupid advertisement from my viewpoint, and it definitely fools people who are not familiar with the studio workflow.

The only innovative thing in Genos is the touch interface and the ONFI memory which was first introduced in Montage. Other than those, there is no major update to Tyros 5 (which is fair and good) but it will not make Yamaha eligible to lie about what Genos is.

Put all of these together and you will realize that Yamaha has been dishonest about this keyboard.


Quote from: Marcus on Nov 03, 2017, 09:56 AM
Good points made there in your above post. It would be nice to hear all the Genos styles separately from the Voice parts, but still important to hear the OTS links destinated to each style and the use of the Voice's articulation and SA2/3 function from within a style genre or specific style.

Especially important to the OTS links in the "Game of Thrones" themed style, where articulated strings were demoed to match the song style. Hearing Multipad links to the styles are important as well.

Just knowing better quality sounds, voices, drum kits and DSPs are included in the upgraded Genos would obviously lean towards better and more authentic styles. Just the tons of more Mega style voices and huge Multipad increase is testament to that.

I already love my library of Tyros 5 styles and hundreds of customized styles I edited. They will sound even better on a Genos even before I rework them further.


Didn't think of that. You're quite right of course.

Then I would suggest one demo only for intros, styles including variations, and endings.
The other for styles and all the stuff you mentioned.

Best Regards,
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Quote from: Jean Abdou on Nov 03, 2017, 10:04 AM
If I want to buy a product in the price range of 5k, I want to know every single little detail of it. When I purchased my MOTIF, I already knew what I was buying and what it is capable of.

For me, the Genos manual was not sufficient and satisfactory. For a product like Genos, it is crucial to know what features are available in YEM as well as the keyboard hardware.

About the teaser, I don't see anyone composing any of those songs with Genos. It is a plain stupid advertisement from my viewpoint, and it definitely fools people who are not familiar with the studio workflow.

The only innovative thing in Genos is the touch interface and the ONFI memory which was first introduced in Montage. Other than those, there is no major update to Tyros 5 (which is fair and good) but it will not make Yamaha eligible to lie about what Genos is.

Put all of these together and you will realize that Yamaha has been dishonest about this keyboard.

Haha.... don't you want Yamaha gives you electronical schema also?!   ;D lol....

I spoke with a friend that have T5 and now Genos also. It told me is something else... so I believe him.
If you don't love what Yamaha did with Genos, turn your back and go visit the "metal keyboard"  ;D
I like what is Genos right now and what I heard in demos. I hope Yamaha will bring us firmware updates and will resolve some of big bugs (if exist so big) and if not, I will go and buy Genos 2, also. Go to Korg, Roland, etc...
Genos(1) v2.13, Korg PA5X, Allen & Heath SQ5
My youtube channel -

Vali Maties - Genos


When I first bought a Tyros 3 (my first arranger)..  It blew me away..  It sounded like a real ensemble of people playing. The T4, T5 improved on that.

I think our own musical development, will greatly affect what we think of the Genos..  I'm a studio player, quit playing in bands at 30..  I was more interested in arrangement, production, I would venture to say almost all of the older members here played the Tyros like it was originally designed for,  a live one man band..

As I've aged, I now like variety and subtlety in the sounds I choose to work with..  I complement the Tyros with Sample libraries, and virtual instruments in Logic Pro.

I read the article by the Genos designer. He went and saw a lot of performers use it.. and drew from that in his design.

I have absolutely NO USE for any of their EDM styles, or patches..  The marches, polkas, and other world inspirations are of little use to me.. 

AND I'm sure that younger, new instrument users will like it..  I wonder if Yamaha tried too hard to make the Genos too 'universal'.   Putting all of these different flavors..

Surely an EDM producer/performer will have little to no use of 70% of the machine.. They want outrageous sounds, nothing organic, or realistic.  And a performer playing senior centers, restaurant, etc, will have no use for any of the EDM stuff.. And there are far cheaper solutions, with more outrageous sounds for EDM..  I do understand the Genos wanting to accommodate the newer generation of one man bands.. But for the last 20 years, those have been DJ's.  Some of them add a kbd, and jam along with their records, or their own productions.

What I love about the Tyros series, and arranger kids, in general it can be a great introducer and instructor into arranging, and production. I built songs using the Tyros only, put it into Logic's score editor, and got literally a couple of years worth of theory and arranging instruction..   Sometimes now I score out a style, and then just comp it myself..

I bought some of yamasoft expensive MIDI songs, and saw all the tweaking, and tweezing they did to get the brilliant sound they got..  Constantly changing some of the instrument patches for the same instrument family.. Just as orchestra instruments have all these techniques for variety, Yamaha coaxed it out by cleverly changing patches..  Delicate and complex use of pitchblende, detune, variation, chorus, etc.. makes some instruments in the Tyros better the majority of Kontakt libraries

Now our older entertainer base, probably plays the game of songs from the 40's - 80's too accommodate their audience. So they want a good complement of traditional instruements and styles, a few of the 'newer' stuff to appease their audiences's now adult children..

To be honest, when I first turned the Genos on,  The faceplate is totally different, I'm OK with that. Growing to like it.. Although I do have this weird thing with touchpad, and my body chemistry..  Sometimes, keypads don't register my intention correctly.. Having a bit of trouble changing some of the faceplate rotary knobs, but I know I'll get that..

When I first turned the Genos on, my impression was this is tinny and loud..  The Tyros and Motif line (which I've had a few of each) were very much to my liking.  Good balanced sound from bottom to top.  Some of the traditional instruments in Genos, are a down step to me.  Don't like the 'kino' strings they added.

I never bothered with Tyros compression and EQ they worked perfectly as is..  As I grow more accustomed to the Genos, I'll find more things I do really like about it, and know which patches and styles really work for me..

The Tyros was the centerpiece of my recording set-up, I use a fair amount of it's voices, but thru the years I've found sample libraries and VI's that 'do a better job for me and me only)..

I carefully studied it's rather complex MIDI set-up and realized the software designers, had designed it to become very interweaved in a DAW/studio set-up.. It is a great composition device.  The Genos has expanded on that with the Digital Outs..  Although the circuitry used in it's analog output is very clean.. and with all those extra DSP, chained together you can create something pretty different.

So yes, the Genos can be very at home in a big recording set-up..  It will also stand as live performing instruments.

Yamaha is trying to create a VERY delicate balance of features at a certain price range.  The price increase, is in par with everything else.. actually better than Apple hardware, with their neurotic changing of connectors and outputs.. If I was performing live, I'd want a large SSD or RAID system with traditional hard drives to get the SSD speed..  But then you could just do away with that, and create part of the song at home, and play along live with your mp3 in the Genos..

But on the other side of the coin like some here, I would NOT want to carry my Genos around to gigs.  It's too expensive, to scratch up, break, or loose. Still those demanding the best live performances, will insist on it.. and the younger users will have what I had in my 20's - 50'a..  'Technolust".. That is the junky like mentality to have the newest and the best, right up to the hour technology

Like any good piece of software, there are usually alternative ways to accomplish something, if you stop, pause, and think 'outside the box'.

Yamaha is a very successful company and they've been pleasing the customer for ever..   I feel confident in their decisions..  otherwise they would have folded a long time ago.   I might just hold off on selling my Tyros 5 right now..  They could possibly enjoy an afterlife like the Roland 808 drum machined. Praised at one  point, then tossed aside for being old, and then revered for it's qualities. Will the Tyros become as famous as an old MINIMOOG, ARP2600, a real Wurlitzer electric pianos or all 1/2 ton of a Hammond B3 with two Leslie speakers?

We can and should continue to give our first impressions.  From a number or different users here, there are some things a Korg arranger is great at, and Yamaha at something else..  Nothing can be everything to all people.  I don't like to hear the expensive new kbd I just bought, be bad mouthed or put down.  I AM certainly willing to listen to someone's opinion I respect that another machine excels in an aspect the Genos doesn't.  Then again, one can usually find a work around for anything..

As Bette Midler said in the movie 'Beaches' when she was doing a TV show..  'SHARE DON"T JUDGE'..

That's my $4k plus contribution (East Coast price of Genos)



Can I come over and "share" your Genos as I wait for mine ?

Marcus :D :D :D



Thank you very much for the Genos overview from the perspective of an experienced and avid player.

All the best with your new friend.



Michael P. Bedesem
Tyros 5



Keep in mind that the reason this forum exists and has been so very popular for decades is that you cannot possibly know everything that is in your keyboard, even from reading every user and reference manual. The keyboard is capable of doing far more things than anyone could have ever dreamed of, and in order to learn everything it will do, or will not do, it takes years - NOT a few hours of reading the manual (which most people don't bother to do.).

When you purchased your car, did you know everything about your car? If you did, you would be the smartest person on the planet. Even the factory certified mechanics and technicians do not know everything about your car.

Saying you knew, in advance, everything there was to know about the Montage is foolish. If you want a full schematic and pictorial diagram of the Genos, you can purchase it from Yamaha. I have one for my PSR-3000 that takes up a huge amount of space on a CD and would take me a year or more to go through every aspect of that now ancient arranger keyboard.

All the best,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Mark Styles..

You ask yourself, should yamaha put all those types of different styles and sounds in the Genos?

I tend to think that they should..
An arranger workstation should be abble basically play almost any music straight out of the box..

But the core of the arranger workstation should be the abbility for people to further expand the base instrument towards their very own musical prefferences. Thats what the workstation part should allow.

Now there is a huge amount of expansions and new styles from yamaha, 3rd party groups as well as other users sharing freely, available for the tyros/genos range of instruments... which allows every user, beginner or advanced to expand their instrument in any direction they would like..

There is also the other part of the workstation that allows people to create styles, songs, sounds for themselves... yamaha has choosen to use a pc for that part of the creative process.. i would have loved to see those tools as part of the Genos, espescially the sound edditing, but thats not what yamaha has choosen for... 

To me an arranger is much like a box of blocks.. if all the right blocks are in there... you can build what ever you want.. and from that point of view having the modern EDM styles, sounds and interface options is a step forward.

My criticisme is aimed at those blocks that are however not yet in the box...


Quote from: travlin-easy on Nov 03, 2017, 08:46 PM

Keep in mind that the reason this forum exists and has been so very popular for decades is that you cannot possibly know everything that is in your keyboard, even from reading every user and reference manual. The keyboard is capable of doing far more things than anyone could have ever dreamed of, and in order to learn everything it will do, or will not do, it takes years - NOT a few hours of reading the manual (which most people don't bother to do.).

When you purchased your car, did you know everything about your car? If you did, you would be the smartest person on the planet. Even the factory certified mechanics and technicians do not know everything about your car.

Saying you knew, in advance, everything there was to know about the Montage is foolish. If you want a full schematic and pictorial diagram of the Genos, you can purchase it from Yamaha. I have one for my PSR-3000 that takes up a huge amount of space on a CD and would take me a year or more to go through every aspect of that now ancient arranger keyboard.

All the best,

Gary 8)

Hello Gary.

Please check the above posts again.

I think your comments must have been intended for someone else and you addressed this to me by mistake.
It must have been one of the other guys in the above posts who must have talked about the Montage and manuals.

I've said nothing about Montage or knowing everything about said instrument because I don't own one and in fact know absolutely nothing about it.
And the same reasoning would also apply to the subject of manuals. I've said nothing and know nothing about such manuals either.
I did, however, mention the Motif XF8 in another thread as an instrument that i had once considered buying.
But absolutely nothing about Montage.

Anyway, no hard feelings here.

Best Regards,
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Sorry about the mistake. Sometimes I have way too many threads to read in a short amount of time.

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Quote from: travlin-easy on Nov 04, 2017, 09:53 AM
Sorry about the mistake. Sometimes I have way too many threads to read in a short amount of time.

Gary 8)

It's  OK Gary.
Happens to everybody once in a while.
The threads confuse me too sometimes.

Best Regards,
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JohnS (Ugawoga)


What does Mark mean ---"My first impression of the Genos was Tinny and  loud"???

That's a little worrying, but surely eq would sort out the problem if it is a problem.

also not liking the Kino Strings.  HMMMMmmm!!

Oh well will have to wait for the live demo November 8th
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.