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Psr s970 maximum USB capacity

Started by hsandor10, Oct 13, 2017, 06:48 PM

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Greetings everyone! I was wondering what is the maximum limit of USB flash drive that Yamaha PSR s970 is able to read? I couldn't find this information on the Manual. Also, can you suggest any good USB flashdrive?



Alex, most of the files that you can use with the S-970 are quite small, particularly the style files and registrations. Now, the MP3s and WAV files are quite large in comparison, but some players are using a 32 gigabyte USB drive, which is absolutely huge. I'm not sure how large the maximum allowed is, but NO ONE REALLY needs anything larger than 32 gigs, IMO and a retired Pro player and entertainer. I used a 3 gig and never got close to filling more than half of it.

Hope this helps,

Gary :cool:
Love Those Yammies...

Fred Smith

Quote from: hsandor10 on Oct 13, 2017, 06:48 PM
Greetings everyone! I was wondering what is the maximum limit of USB flash drive that Yamaha PSR s970 is able to read? I couldn't find this information on the Manual. Also, can you suggest any good USB flashdrive?

This question has been asked before, and no one really knows. People have used 64Gb drives successfully.

They're so cheap, just buy one and it will almost certainly work. Just make sure you format it on the keyboard.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


I use a 32GB usb drive, and store not only performance registrations, but also my registraion/style archive. I also store user memory on this key as I also play a 970 owned by our local social club.  Massive amount of space left so there is no need to worry about a maximum capacity figure.


I use one with 16GB capacity. I have many extra styles, many waves and mp3 files, extra pads, lyrics, samples.
All this comes to only 9gb. I still have 7gb left.
For me 16GB is more than enough.
I hope I have helped in your decision.

When word fail, Music speaks!


Hello an extra recommendation.....

When I demo the expansion packs on the PSR S970,S770 and my demos I do use Audio files that I have linked to the Multipads, and for experience, I do recommend you to use a USB memory over 32 Gigs or 64 for heavy users, actually, that depends on your needs.....if is a light use, even a much smaller capacity would do (8 or 16 Gigs). 

BUT, most importantly, buy the USB 3.0, this allows to a faster transmission and also to capture faster when you record audio, each USB 3.0 manufacturers have different speed of writing and reading, and that info is on the package of the USB 3.0.

In some demos I do, I play simultaneously FROM the USB 3.0, a wave(Acappela), sometimes a SMF, and/or even a style, besides all my Registrations, Multipad files,, you can say that I really push the limits on the USB, and the 3.0 works flawless....while using the 2.0 (when I started doing the demos sometime ago) and I was pushing the USB, either the Wave stop while playing or if I was recording, just stopped, when I made the change, that has never happen with the 3.0 

You can distinguish or see the difference (physically), when it is a USB 3.0 you see a BLUE plastic tab inside of the Flat part of the USB, the same tab in the 2.0 is BLACK.

My 2 cents...

My 2 Cents



One thing I nearly forgot to mention about USB drives - they can all go bad when you least expect. This has happened to me on a half dozen occasions regardless of the brand.

Next, you can extend the life of your USB drive by turning off the keyboard before removing or inserting the USB drive. The keyboard does not have the ability to allow you to disconnect it electronically like your PC does.

Finally, always create a backup of your files and data that is on a separate drive. You cannot have too many backups - I learned this the hard way.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...


Quote from: travlin-easy on Oct 18, 2017, 10:50 AM
One thing I nearly forgot to mention about USB drives - they can all go bad when you least expect. This has happened to me on a half dozen occasions regardless of the brand.

Next, you can extend the life of your USB drive by turning off the keyboard before removing or inserting the USB drive. The keyboard does not have the ability to allow you to disconnect it electronically like your PC does.

Finally, always create a backup of your files and data that is on a separate drive. You cannot have too many backups - I learned this the hard way.

Good luck,

Gary 8)

It never happened to me, but I always carry an extra pendrive, with everything.
I have copies of my files on my computer and google drive.
Even if they are not 100% up-to-date, because I change some things all day, in the moment of despair I can turn to not lose everything.

When word fail, Music speaks!


I use a 32gb Sandisk Cruzer Fit drive. It's very small so it can stay in the keyboard when packed away in it's case for travelling.

Roger Brenizer

I agree with, Gary.  You can't have too many backups.  :)

I've written batch files that backup all newly created documents and files, by writing the files to four (4) separate locations, as follows.

1) An additional internal Hard Drive

2) Two external Hard Drives

3) A 256 GB USB Flash Drive

I too learned this lesson, the hard way, in my business practice many years ago.  :(

In addition to the above, I create a System Image Backup, that is stored on one of the external hard drives, on a daily basis.  :)

Overkill?  I think not.  This has served me well over the years.  Better safe that sorry!  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

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Todd Marshall

I use 128GB on mine. Have had no issues. I have over 1,500 MP3 songs I use to play along with for practice and discover new sounds and techniques and arrangements. The only issue I have had is file names which are too long. If they're too long, they just don't show up for selection. You have to rename them to something shorter on a PC.

I'm really glad to see the 970 supports MP3 files. This saves lots of space ... mostly an issue with copying lots of files from my PC to my thumb drive. WAV files take much longer. I have had issues where something about the MP3 format from the PC flummoxes the 970. The files display but don't play (invalid format). In these cases, on the PC I convert to WAV, then back to MP3 and problem goes away. If anyone know what causes this, I'm all ears.

Joe H

I use only 4GB and 8GB thumb drives.  I record and store my WAV and MP3 files on just one drive. Currently that is an 8GB USB 3.0 drive  All other files go on a separate 4GB USB 2.0 drive. 

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Quote from: travlin-easy on Oct 18, 2017, 10:50 AM
One thing I nearly forgot to mention about USB drives - they can all go bad when you least expect. This has happened to me on a half dozen occasions regardless of the brand.

Next, you can extend the life of your USB drive by turning off the keyboard before removing or inserting the USB drive. The keyboard does not have the ability to allow you to disconnect it electronically like your PC does.

Finally, always create a backup of your files and data that is on a separate drive. You cannot have too many backups - I learned this the hard way.

Good luck,

Gary 8)
I think I will follow Gary's advice and unplug my keyboard before inserting and removing my USB stick.

Joe H

Quote from: travlin-easy on Oct 18, 2017, 10:50 AM
... Next, you can extend the life of your USB drive by turning off the keyboard before removing or inserting the USB drive. The keyboard does not have the ability to allow you to disconnect it electronically like your PC does...
Gary 8)

If you are at home and don't move the keyboard... One way around that is to use a USB HUB with switches on it.  That way you can turn the USB stick Off before you pull it out and turn it On after you insert the drive into the Port.

I also have the USB backed-up on the PC, so if it does go bad I can make another USB stick from the backup on my hard drive.

BTW... because I do a considerable amount of editing; I do a LOT of back and forth with the thumb drive between my keyboard and the PC

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:



I am using a 64GB USB Drive on my PSR-S770 and it is working without any problems. Here you have a link to it: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Have a Merry Christmas,
vl4dimir99 (LDVladut)