
Started by voodoo, Oct 11, 2017, 08:45 AM

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The days I purchased a copy of SongBook+ for iPad. I think this app is really cool. It can:

* Import PDFs from dropbox (not mentioned in description)
* Use whole songbooks and make several songbook entries from them by specifying the start page
* send and receive midi messages

I will convert all my paper collections to PDF and put them into the iPad. Very cool.

Looking forward to SongBook+ support of the upcoming Genos.

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


Well Uli,

I hope you will enjoy your digital scores a lot!

I know I do.
I have had all my scores digital for a couple of years now, and I am absolutely loving it.

I have been using Mobilesheets Pro (an alternative for Songbook+ on Android) for this with my Tyros 5 and PK6 pedals and I am absolutely loving the setup.
- (as said) All my scores are digital.
- Loading a score on the tablet causes a MIDI instruction to be sent to Tyros, so that the corresponding registration file is loaded automatically.
- When my PK6 pedals are in MIDI control mode, they are configured so that some keys (pedals) send MIDI instructions to Tyros to advance registrations and such (MFC10 type things).
While other keys (pedals) of the PK6 send MIDI instructions to Mobilesheets Pro on the tablet, to advance pages, advance songs in playlists and such . . . .

Really great.
I would not want to go without it now!

I must say I find it a bit strange for Yamaha to single out Songbook+ though.
There are other products out there that do more or less the same. I know Yamaha seems to prefer iOs over Android, but even on iOs there are other products .  .
Maybe there are additional Genos related specifics planned in Songbook+
Time will tell ...

I have not posted much myself, but I have really been enjoying all these very informative Genos related posts !
Great forum!

Genos 1, PSR SX900, Roland PK6, Ketron SD1000
MSI Cubi 5 mini pc with IIyama prolite 24" touchscreen, MobileSheets


Hey Rudy,

thanks for your comments and your ideas. Connecting your pedals to control page flow is a great idea. I will try this later.

And I think many users will like to hear that a solution for Android exists, too.

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D

JohnS (Ugawoga)

I do not know anymore BUT

I have an HP android Slate 21 Inch tv Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login inside it which only cost £225 a couple years back.
They are great for sheet music reading using Mobile Sheets pro. Almost A4 reading and with a pedal page turner your away
I do not know whether Hp still do these androids anymore ,but If you can find one they are 100% for the purpose. Not for gaming or intense stuff
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

If nothing can become something and something will become nothing that means anything is possible.
(Mr God Particle)


+1 for MobileSheets Pro. Awesome app that runs on a Windows tablet, too.
Regards, Michael


Some form of Genos/Songbook+ integration would be welcome.

I have the whole Sunday repertoire in forScore. I gave up trying to use forScore with an IK Multimedia BlueTurn because it meant schlepping around another pedal and I had trouble dealing with all sorts of pedals and button sizes under my feet.

The whole Genos/Songbook+ thing should be interesting.

-- pj


Add me to a fan of Mobile Sheets Pro on an Android.   I've been playing with the Songbook + app and would love to see some sort of straight forward integration with Genos!    A system using 3 digits like Korg PA4x and Mobile Sheets Pro would be a really winner!  Can't wait to see how Songbook+ is integrated with Genos.

Fred Smith

Quote from: stephenm52 on Oct 11, 2017, 06:00 PM
Can't wait to see how Songbook+ is integrated with Genos.

The documentation says we won't have to specify the MSB/LSB/PC any more. The keyboard will handle it. This also likely means we won't need those midi control files any more.

Sure would be sweet.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons

Al Ram

Quote from: Fred Smith on Oct 11, 2017, 08:13 PM
The documentation says we won't have to specify the MSB/LSB/PC any more. The keyboard will handle it. This also likely means we won't need those midi control files any more.

Sure would be sweet.


Thanks for being on top of this.
1. are you referring to the SongBook+ Documentation or the Genos Documentation ?.
2. Does it mean that for those of us who already have Songbook+ with a Tyros could easily keep the Songbook+ items the way they are and still work it with Genos ?

what are your thoughts ?

thanks so much. 
San Diego/Tijuana


Quote from: Fred Smith on Oct 11, 2017, 08:13 PM
The documentation says we won't have to specify the MSB/LSB/PC any more. The keyboard will handle it. This also likely means we won't need those midi control files any more.

Sure would be sweet.


I second that "SWEET!!"

Fred Smith

Quote from: Al Ram on Oct 11, 2017, 08:20 PM
Thanks for being on top of this.
1. are you referring to the SongBook+ Documentation or the Genos Documentation ?.
2. Does it mean that for those of us who already have Songbook+ with a Tyros could easily keep the Songbook+ items the way they are and still work it with Genos ?

The quote (Playlists work best with Songbook+. An entry can be linked directly without having to know the MSB / LSB of the Voice.) is from here: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Seamless integration would be really nice (ie, the registration issues the midi commands on its own without requiring a midi control file), however, I'm not sure what that means for those of us who already have said files.

Time will tell.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: Fred Smith on Oct 11, 2017, 11:41 PM
The quote (Playlists work best with Songbook+. An entry can be linked directly without having to know the MSB / LSB of the Voice.) is from here: Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

The info comes via Heidrun Dolde who did everyone a big favor by submitting questions to Yamaha Rellingen and collecting the answers into a PDF (auf Deutsch).

She really deserves a big pat on the back!

-- pj


Quote from: pjd on Oct 11, 2017, 11:31 AM
I gave up trying to use forScore with an IK Multimedia BlueTurn because it meant schlepping around another pedal and I had trouble dealing with all sorts of pedals and button sizes under my feet.

Even though it's off-topic, you might enjoy a look at Wix Wickens stage rig when playing with Sir Paul:

When I saw all of his foot pedals, I felt like a wimp.  :-[  :)

-- pj

Al Ram


thanks for your response.

It looks like there will be tighter integration between Genos and SongBook+.  At a minimum now I know that Songbook+ will work with Genos.

thanks again

San Diego/Tijuana

Tommy 73

Quote from: pjd on Oct 12, 2017, 08:12 AM
Even though it's off-topic, you might enjoy a look at Wix Wickens stage rig when playing with Sir Paul:

When I saw all of his foot pedals, I felt like a wimp.  :-[  :)

-- pj
still off thread topic ...but check out vangelis foot work here so many pedals (!)...
Yamaha Montage M8x : Korg PA5X 76  : Roland Jupiter 80 : Waldorf STVC : Roland Integra 7 : Waldorf Streichfett : Focal Trio6 ST6 : Studio Outboards/RME Audio Interface/A&H Mixer :


hi pjd wow what a rig that guy has got Unbelievable amount of gear brilliant im going to have to watch that again love it ;D

lava lamps lol


JohnS (Ugawoga)

Makes you wonder who wires all that up and how can that lot operate without something going wrong?? ::)
Genos 2     AMD RYZEN  9 7900  12 Core Processor 32 ram,   Focusrite Scarlet 4i4 4th Gen.

If nothing can become something and something will become nothing that means anything is possible.
(Mr God Particle)


"The documentation says we won't have to specify the MSB/LSB/PC any more. The keyboard will handle it. This also likely means we won't need those midi control files any more.

Sure would be sweet."

From Fred's quote above, does this mean we will be able to load a pdf song file that correspond to the same resgistration? What an accomplishment that would be.  Bob



Quote from: Bob88 on Oct 22, 2017, 11:45 AM
"The documentation says we won't have to specify the MSB/LSB/PC any more. The keyboard will handle it. This also likely means we won't need those midi control files any more.

Sure would be sweet."

From Fred's quote above, does this mean we will be able to load a pdf song file that correspond to the same resgistration? What an accomplishment that would be.  Bob

Yes I'm assuming it does, it sure reads that way.   My only experience has been with my Korg PA4x, I use and App on an Android tablet called MobileSheetsPro.  In Korg's Songbook feature ( no relation to the software called Songbook + for Yamaha and the ipad) I simply enter a 3 digit number into the Korg Songbook. I then enter that same 3 digit number into the pdf lead sheet stored in Mobile Sheets Pro I set the communication so that if I pull up a lead sheet on the tablet it pulls up the corresponding Songbook entry ( similar to a registration for the song on a Yamaha arranger).  Likewise if I pull up the lead sheet on my tablet it brings the corresponding Songbook entry on the Korg.   The key is I only have to use a 3 digit number not LSB/MSB/PC. 

An example may clarify my paragraph above:   I have the tune "Fly Me To the Moon" assigned the number 450 in Korg's Songbook feature I use that number both on the Korg Keyboard and in the Mobile Sheet Pro app on the tablet.   Whether I pull up the entry on either keyboard or tablet everything is set in place to perform the song.    Hope that helps.

If Yamaha has put work a system like this it is going to make life a lot simpler for those of us who choose to use the system. 


 Thank you Steve.  It sure would prove beneficial for me.  Bob


From the documentation known so far, there is no sign for a midi control for registrations or playlist entries:

* In the "edit playlist record" dialog there is no field for midi or program change number to send or receive.
* On earlier keyboards there was the possibility to select a registration bank from a given folder by receiving a bank/program change command. Something like this is not documented in the Genos manuals.

Perhaps another Songbook+ integration guide will appear to explain these topics.

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


This is something I'm interested in too. . . I use unrealBook rather than Songbook+, but I simply specify the MSB/LSB/PC MIDID data in unrealBook, and Tyros5 loads the specified Registration file and calls up the designated Registration number (1-8 button) when I load a song PDF into unrealBook.

That is, my "system" is such that I have unrealBook "control" the Tyros: when I bring up a song PDF in unrealBook, the Tyros5 immediately goes to the Registration for that song.

I have set up ~500+ songs this way, so I am hoping that Genos responds to the MIDI commands in the same way that Tyros5 does . . .

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff

Al Ram

Quote from: jimlaing on Oct 23, 2017, 08:17 PM
This is something I'm interested in too. . . I use unrealBook rather than Songbook+, but I simply specify the MSB/LSB/PC MIDID data in unrealBook, and Tyros5 loads the specified Registration file and calls up the designated Registration number (1-8 button) when I load a song PDF into unrealBook.

That is, my "system" is such that I have unrealBook "control" the Tyros: when I bring up a song PDF in unrealBook, the Tyros5 immediately goes to the Registration for that song.

I have set up ~500+ songs this way, so I am hoping that Genos responds to the MIDI commands in the same way that Tyros5 does . . .


I use SongBook+ pretty much the same way you describe with unRealBook.  Except that I control it the other way around.   I call the registration in Tyros and that loads the PDF on the iPad.    SongBook+ can also work the other way around:  load the PDF on the iPad which calls the T5 registration, however, in my opinion setting up this second way is too complicated in SongBook+ and not very practical because you have to add a number to the name of the registration.   The first way is easier to me. 

It seems that unRealBook is simpler to set up.  You did not mentioned it but it is probably true that you have a midi file in the Tyros loaded into each Tyros registration. 
is this correct ?
if so, is the name of the midi, the exact same name of the PDF ? or the midi name does not matter and everything is controlled by the MSB/LSB/PC

thanks in advance.
San Diego/Tijuana


Quote from: jimlaing on Oct 23, 2017, 08:17 PM
This is something I'm interested in too. . . I use unrealBook rather than Songbook+, but I simply specify the MSB/LSB/PC MIDID data in unrealBook, and Tyros5 loads the specified Registration file and calls up the designated Registration number (1-8 button) when I load a song PDF into unrealBook.


you write "the specified registration". But how is the assignment of a MSB/LSB/PC to a specific registration? Is it a consequence number given by alphabetical order? Or can you specifiy the "PC number" of a registration in any way?

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


Hi - thanks for the info/discussion on this ... I'll have to pull out the detailed description I did on this a while back.  For those interested, this is (in a quick way) how I do it.  No special MIDI files are needed.

I have my Registrations files on my Tyros (soon to be Genos) set up so that they never "move" - that is, file 1 is always file 1, and file 57 is always file 57 etc.  The way I did this is to "plan ahead" and I had set up all my Registration files starting with "001", then "002", etc. - so they stay in order.  I have an Excel spreadsheet with all my data that I'd be glad to send to anyone (or, later, if it's possible, I can attach it here).  (I don't have the file with me at present; I'm away from my home computer).

For me, a Registration is the settings to start playing a song.  (sometimes I have more than one Registration for a more 'involved' song).  So, in the unrealBook app on my iPad, I simply put in a MIDI string that "calls up" the Registration file and Registration number that I want.  I have to do this in Hex, so I used Excel to help me plan it out.  It's simple once you get going on it.

I use the Set List feature of unrealBook a lot.  So when unrealBook displays a song (PDF), it also sends the little MIDI string that I set up (no MIDI file needed).  This calls up the Reg file, and "selects" the Reg button.  I can immediately start playing the song.  When I go to the next song in unrealBook, the Reg for that song is immediately called up on the Tyros.  I have over 500 songs set up this way.  Even when I get an impromptu request, say someone yells out "Hey, can you play All Of Me" - I just search for that song in unrealBook, the Registration is called up automatically, and I start playing the song within less than a second.

I use wireless MIDI to do this - so no wires needed!  I use the m1.Connect device (I think that's the name), it has worked 100% of the time for at least 100 gigs. 

If anyone wants to know more, I'd be glad to help.  Send me a note if you want my Excel file on how I set this up.

There is another whole aspect I have used as well, which I call "songs that borrow registrations" - I have another ~300 songs that "borrow" Reg's from other songs, since they are very similar to songs I had REg's for.  This saved me having to make 300 more registrations.  I even found out how to send a "Change Tempo" command via MIDI (via unrealBook), so that I can use an existing Reg but change the tempo to be right for the new song.  I can explain more about that another time if anyone is interested.

I'm waiting on my Genos and looking forward to making sure this all works the same - I have some informal assurance that it will, but I'll know once I test in person.

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff


To add to my note above, the way my commands look is something like (I may not have it 100% correct, i'm going on memory here; I'm not at my keyboard).

B0 20 07   (this means "load Registration file 8" or "load my 8th Registration file"
B0 00 00   (this never changes, just seemed necessary to complete the MSB/LSB)
C0 04       (this says "Now that Reg file #8 is recalled, press button 5 for me)

I think that in MIDI speak it's two Controller commands (MSB/LSB) followed by a single Program Change command.  My syntax may be a bit off; I'm writing this note away from my keyboard and iPad)

Note that like a lot of MIDI and computer stuff, the numbering is "offset" by 1: calling up 07 means 8 to us humans.   Calling up Reg button 04 means call up button 5.

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff



thank you for your detailed explanation. This is basically the same way that songbook+ works for Tyros.

One last question: Are your registration files all in the same folder on the Tyros?

Yamaha Genos
Yamaha MODX7
Yamaha P-125 Digital Piano
Nord Electro 5D


Yes, I keep them all in the same folder.  So far, I have about 95 Registration files.  I guess that on the Genos, each of them will have two "new" empty positions that I can use/fill!

Raleigh, NC, USA / Genos / Tyros5-61 / Lucas Nana 600 / other stuff

Al Ram

thanks for the detailed explanation.

I concur, your description is similar to the way SongBook+ works with a T5.

thanks again.
San Diego/Tijuana

Al Ram

Quote from: jimlaing on Oct 24, 2017, 07:32 AM

I use wireless MIDI to do this - so no wires needed!  I use the m1.Connect device (I think that's the name), it has worked 100% of the time for at least 100 gigs. 


can you provide more info on the wireless device m1.connect you are using . . . . I googled it but it seems the name is not exactly the same. 

thanks again

San Diego/Tijuana