
PSR Tutorial Forum is Now Back to Life!

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Supporting Members

Started by Joe W, Oct 05, 2011, 02:34 PM

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Joe W

While most of the resources available in this forum are provided freely to all registered members, the forum, and the accompanying web site ( certainly are not free.  The costs of maintaining this site, which now amounts to several thousand dollars each year, is provided by the "Supporting Members."  Within the forum, supporting members have the word "Supporter" listed by their username along with the forum "ranking" (Novice,..., Senior Member). 

It is easy to become a supporting member.  Simply order any of the PSR Tutorial USB drives (or download options) or make a donation.   A description of all the available resource collections is provided on the Orders page.  At the bottom of that page, and all the pages in the Orders section, is a DONATE button you can use to make a donation.  Note that folks who become PSR Performers or who contribute styles or articles to the main web site are also considered "Supporters."

Once a member is designated as a "Supporter" that status remains for "life" so you are not required to donate every year, but you certainly may do so.  (Of course, this assumes that we will have a regular influx of new visitors who decide to become supporters of the site and thus keep it operational.)   Besides providing support for this forum and the web site, "Supporters" also have access to the Charter Members category where there are several boards exclusive to the supporting members.  (If you are not a supporting member, you do not see the Charter Member boards exist.)

Supporting the site is, of course, entirely optional.  But if you are enjoying the use of the PSR Tutorial, please do consider becoming a "supporting" member.

Note: if you have ordered a product in the past but your account is not marked as a supporter, please send us an email and I will be happy to update your account.


Come on Guys and Girls it is NOT a lot of funds and the rewards gained from this incredible resource is immeasurable

Thanks to all who keep this going.



Just made a small donation to thank PSR (JW) and all contributing members for this incredible site. Keyboards and PSR go hand and hand!


Totally agree.  Being a touch higher than a beginner, I find how useful are the contributions from the members all around the world.  Just to quote an example I found that Fred Smith's video tutorial on "REGISTRATION SEQUENCE" an excellent demonstration.  I even tested playing a Sri Lankan song which requires changing to multiple voices back and forth and the way to do this the foot pedal. If not for Fred's demo I would not have done this as moving the hand to change buttons is almost impossible.

I also enjoy the collection of songs from various members.  The forum undoubtedly clarifies various issues and help broaden your skills.  Hopefully I can post a song one day.

A huge thank to the administrators and the contributors.

Merry Christmass to all the members in the forum.

Best Regards


Both my wife (deeandj) and I (JO) have purchased PSR discs from this site, starting with our 1500, and appreciate the efforts of all contributors (tweaks, tricks, etc). We had lots of fun with our S900 and just purchased the S970. We still keep the 1500 around :).
Now I will start looking into the programming aspects of registrations (in whatever time I can spare) because so many queries are posted. I do not promise to answer or resolve issues, but whatever I can gather I will share.
We ALL need to do that much to repay the selflessness of those who paved our way. Anyone that knows the S900 and/or S970 RGT format is welcome to reply.


I'd Like To Support The forum
As Over The Last Couple Of Months , I'v Learned Much From Here
Before I Donate , Can I Ask A Question
If IGo To The Donate Page How Does It Link With My Account Here

Roger Brenizer

Quote from: Joe W on Oct 05, 2011, 02:34 PM
While most of the resources available in this forum are provided freely to all registered members, the forum, and the accompanying web site ( certainly are not free.  The costs of maintaining this site, which now amounts to several thousand dollars each year, is provided by the "Supporting Members."  Within the forum, supporting members have the word "Supporter" listed by their username along with the forum "ranking" (Novice,..., Senior Member). 

It is easy to become a supporting member.  Simply order any of the PSR Tutorial USB drives (or download options) or make a donation.   A description of all the available resource collections is provided on the Orders page.  At the bottom of that page, and all the pages in the Orders section, is a DONATE button you can use to make a donation.  Note that folks who become PSR Performers or who contribute styles or articles to the main web site are also considered "Supporters."

Once a member is designated as a "Supporter" that status remains for "life" so you are not required to donate every year, but you certainly may do so.  (Of course, this assumes that we will have a regular influx of new visitors who decide to become supporters of the site and thus keep it operational.)   Besides providing support for this forum and the web site, "Supporters" also have access to the Charter Members category where there are several boards exclusive to the supporting members.  (If you are not a supporting member, you do not see the Charter Member boards exist.)

Supporting the site is, of course, entirely optional.  But if you are enjoying the use of the PSR Tutorial, please do consider becoming a "supporting" member.

Note: if you have ordered a product in the past but your account is not marked as a supporter, please send us an email and I will be happy to update your account.

Hi Spooky,

Thank you for wanting to become a supporting member.  I've copied a prior reply from Joe Waters for you that should answer your question.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


Thanks Roger
I'v Just Donated
It Isn't A Lot But Iv Clicked To Do It Every Month :)

Roger Brenizer

Hi Spooky,

All the thanks should go to Joe Waters for creating this great website.  Thank you, again, now that you are a Supporting Member!!!
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


I have just completed a donation and marked it as 'Monthly'. I am very pleased to be a part (albeit an extremely small part) of our group but am enjoying it since joining a few weeks ago.
Very best wishes eveyone
Dave (Northamptonshire, England)

Roger Brenizer

Hi Dave,

Thank you so much for becoming a Supporting Member of this great website and especially for your support on a monthly basis.

You are more than just a small part of our community.  You are a very large part of it by being a supporting member.

Thank you once again for supporting the forum.
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


I'm trying to make a donation but I can not put money in PAYPAL.

When word fail, Music speaks!


From 1 to 3 days to confirm my bank account.
It will work!

When word fail, Music speaks!

Roger Brenizer

Thank you for wanting to become a supporting member of the forum, Enildo.  I know Joe will appreciate your support.

After making a donation, please visit the Charter Member's boards to view the wealth of information that awaits you there.  :)  ;D  ;D  ;D
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


Quote from: Roger Brenizer on Aug 29, 2017, 12:27 PM
Thank you for wanting to become a supporting member of the forum, Enildo.  I know Joe will appreciate your support.

After making a donation, please visit the Charter Member's boards to view the wealth of information that awaits you there.  :)  ;D  ;D  ;D

Thank you Roger! I hope that my small offer contributes to the maintenance of this great family.

When word fail, Music speaks!

Roger Brenizer

Any contribution made from the heart, no matter how small, will be multiplied many times over in sustaining the forum, Enildo.  On behalf of Joe Waters, thank you once again, so very much.  :) :) :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


Hello Mr. Joe W or Roger Brenizer!

I have a balance in PAYPAL to make the donation, but I'm asking for a credit card. My question, it is only possible to make a donation through a credit card?

Thank you,

When word fail, Music speaks!

Roger Brenizer

I've contacted Joe Waters on your behalf, Enildo.  He should be responding to you soon.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!

Halesowen Kid

Hi Guys,

I've just joined up...... ;D


Quote from: Roger Brenizer on Sep 01, 2017, 12:08 PM
I've contacted Joe Waters on your behalf, Enildo.  He should be responding to you soon.  :)

Thank you Roger!
When word fail, Music speaks!

Roger Brenizer

Thank you, Mike, for becoming a supporting member.  You're going to be very glad you've made this decision.  :)  ;D  ;D  ;D
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


I just donate a few amount of dollars, as well.
This forum is very rare on net and I keep learning a lot of stuff from here.
Keep the good work up, guys!
Take care.

Antonis (Greece)

Roger Brenizer

Thank you for becoming a supporting member, Antonis, and thank you for your kind comments.  Have a nice evening, my friend.  :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!

Joe W

Quote from: Enildo on Sep 01, 2017, 09:20 AM
Hello Mr. Joe W or Roger Brenizer!

I have a balance in PAYPAL to make the donation, but I'm asking for a credit card. My question, it is only possible to make a donation through a credit card?

Thank you,


I use PayPal for receiving funds and for paying bills.  To set up that PayPal account I did have to give PayPal a bank account number.  They deposited a few coins in that account and I had to verify what they had deposited.  That served to confirm that i did, indeed, have a legitimate bank account.  That fact confirmed my identity and assured PayPal I was a legitimate customer.  That was years ago and PayPal has been working fine for me ever since.

It seems members have been able to use PayPal to make a payment even if they did not have a PayPal account by using a credit card.  I'm not familiar with that process since I have had the account and have been able to use it to pay bills directly for those vendors that accept PayPal.

I do accept donations but prefer to have "supporters" simply order one or more of the available data collections.  All those funds used from orders are used to pay the costs of maintaining the forum and the web site and the contributor then also gets some useful resources for use on their keyboard.  On the order page, you will see if you scroll down to the bottom that you do not have to use PayPal to order things.  You can send in a check and some folks have even sent cash.  For contributors outside of the U.S., a money order would work or a check on a US bank.  That is the chief advantage to me from using PayPal since they handle the currency conversion.  Of course, PayPal charges my account an additional fee for currency conversions, but that is much easier (and cheaper) than me trying to cash a foreign check in a US bank.

So, if you do not want to or can not use PayPal, perhaps one of the options mentioned above can be utilized.



Quote from: Joe W on Sep 03, 2017, 02:53 PM
I use PayPal for receiving funds and for paying bills.  To set up that PayPal account I did have to give PayPal a bank account number.  They deposited a few coins in that account and I had to verify what they had deposited.  That served to confirm that i did, indeed, have a legitimate bank account.  That fact confirmed my identity and assured PayPal I was a legitimate customer.  That was years ago and PayPal has been working fine for me ever since.

It seems members have been able to use PayPal to make a payment even if they did not have a PayPal account by using a credit card.  I'm not familiar with that process since I have had the account and have been able to use it to pay bills directly for those vendors that accept PayPal.

I do accept donations but prefer to have "supporters" simply order one or more of the available data collections.  All those funds used from orders are used to pay the costs of maintaining the forum and the web site and the contributor then also gets some useful resources for use on their keyboard.  On the order page, you will see if you scroll down to the bottom that you do not have to use PayPal to order things.  You can send in a check and some folks have even sent cash.  For contributors outside of the U.S., a money order would work or a check on a US bank.  That is the chief advantage to me from using PayPal since they handle the currency conversion.  Of course, PayPal charges my account an additional fee for currency conversions, but that is much easier (and cheaper) than me trying to cash a foreign check in a US bank.

So, if you do not want to or can not use PayPal, perhaps one of the options mentioned above can be utilized.

Thanks for the explanations Joe!
I created my account in "PAYPAL" and placed a balance through my bank account, even so, PAYPAL said that it is not possible to use this balance to make international purchases, only domestic purchases (within Brazil).
I sent a message asking and they said that my option would be to use a "Prepaid Card", and I will have to create another account only for the prepaid card.

I am in the battle to become a supporting member.
Thank you!
When word fail, Music speaks!

Roger Brenizer

Thank you for your perseverance, Enildo.  :)  Many members may have just given up, but you have stayed in the battle to become a supporting member.  :) :) :)
"Music Is My Life"
My best regards,

Got questions about the PSR Tutorial Forum? Reach out to us!


Quote from: Roger Brenizer on Sep 09, 2017, 04:03 PM
Thank you for your perseverance, Enildo.  :)  Many members may have just given up, but you have stayed in the battle to become a supporting member.  :) :) :)

I'm just going to rest when you can! You will see! ;) :)
Thank you Roger!

When word fail, Music speaks!


Gentlemen Joe W and Roger!

I am very sad because Pay Pal did not accept my card. I think it's because I do not have an international credit card.
I'm really finding it difficult to make a purchase or a donation and help this very honorable and important forum.
I mean I'll try other ways ... Maybe ask for a credit card from a friend ... I do not know ...
But I will continue in this battle!

When word fail, Music speaks!

Joe W

Enildo, let me applaud your dedication!  It is a shame Brazil provides so many obstacles.  You are a "senior" member right now.  That means you have already provided a lot of support to this forum by all of the messages you have responded to.  As a senior member, you also have access to everything that a supporter would have.  In my mind, you already do support the forum.  However, if you still are determined to send funds, it seems that I have received a money order before, perhaps from a Brazilian member.  I received an email with the appropriate identifying info and then just took it to the closest Western Union outpost where I was able to receive the funds.  My mailing address is given at the bottom of the products page:

Perhaps, this is a solution you can use.


Quote from: Joe W on Sep 14, 2017, 05:31 PM
Enildo, let me applaud your dedication!  It is a shame Brazil provides so many obstacles.  You are a "senior" member right now.  That means you have already provided a lot of support to this forum by all of the messages you have responded to.  As a senior member, you also have access to everything that a supporter would have.  In my mind, you already do support the forum.  However, if you still are determined to send funds, it seems that I have received a money order before, perhaps from a Brazilian member.  I received an email with the appropriate identifying info and then just took it to the closest Western Union outpost where I was able to receive the funds.  My mailing address is given at the bottom of the products page:

Perhaps, this is a solution you can use.

Thank you Joe W! I'll get in touch with you.
I am determined to give my contribution to the forum!

When word fail, Music speaks!