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Style Song Names and other questions

Started by RonC, Nov 07, 2024, 03:53 PM

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Hi all.  New member here.  Owned a small Yamaha arranger 30+ years ago.  Went to Roland for several years and then to Korg for +20? years, i2, 2X, 4X.  Trying to get the hang of a G2 and could use some help.

1) Is there a source to suggest which styles might be suitable for certain songs beyond the included playlist?  And, of course, vice versa.

2) Korg "titles" their one touch settings - usually something like the name of the R1 voice but it can be anything.  The name of the OTS can be displayed in the main display along with the names of the other three OTS making it easy to know what you will hear if you change OTS.  Is there a way to see at least the R1 voice of OTS settings that are part of the style but not currently in use?

3)  Is there a simple way to lock the tempo when changing styles?  Miss this button when trying to find a style for a specific song.

Any input appreciated.  Thanks



Hi Ron,

I can help you with question 3 at least...

I don't have access to my keyboard right now to be super precise,
but going by memory, here's how to test various styles without resetting
the tempo each time. In one of the 2 main Menu Screens, you'll find a
Style Settings sub-menu. Within that you'll find a style behaviour button, and one of its options is to NOT reset the style tempo when it's playing and you switch to another one. Change the setting to that, and your keyboard will keep that setting until you change it again.

So, once you've determined the approximate tempo you want for a given song
(I use Tap Tempo), then start the first style that you want to test playing at the tempo you like by striking a chord. As long as you leave the style pattern playing now, you can use the style selector, pick another style to try, and it will play at the current tempo the previous one was running at.

One trick I've learned too, is that if you want to find an appropriate style for a song, often picking from whatever styles have an approximately similar factory tempo to the tempo you have determined as your choice, will work best. The factory set tempo of each style appears in the style selection list, at least for all the factory installed styles. I don't see tempos unfortunately in the styles that come with the expansion packs, but at least that feature is helpful on the built in styles.

Hope this helps.




The site is full of relevant information and the search section gives good results.

Question 3 was recently discussed here:,69956.0.html
Genos, GroovyBand Live-Platinum, Mfc10, VoiceLive-3EX
Ui24r Soundcraft/Tactile 24"/16", 2 DXR15, HF-SM35,58, beyerdynamic DT-770 PRO X LIMIT EDIT

Music is a Wave, choose the right Frequency to touch the Soul of those who listen to you ...


As for 2, I'm having trouble understanding your question. The OTS are attached to and memorized in the Styles, so if the Link Button is deactivated, they're no longer there. You can replace all the sounds at will by calling up the sound banks with the black button above "R1~R3" and storing them ... either in the User style via Memory + the relevant OTS "1to4".

Take a closer look at the "Direct Access" function and how it works, see the manual, in two clicks you'll have information on "Direct Access + OTS 1~4 or Registrations 1~8 etc."... "or access to screen pages ... print the list from the Reference Manual.

The "Mixing" page provides a wealth of information and Access to settings...
Genos, GroovyBand Live-Platinum, Mfc10, VoiceLive-3EX
Ui24r Soundcraft/Tactile 24"/16", 2 DXR15, HF-SM35,58, beyerdynamic DT-770 PRO X LIMIT EDIT

Music is a Wave, choose the right Frequency to touch the Soul of those who listen to you ...


Here are 3 sources to use to find a style to match over a couple thousand songs.

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Rick D.


THanks for posting these, I was trying to find them for Ron and couldn't put my finger on them. They must have gotten lost with the move to a new computer.

Rick D.


Thanks for the replies.  Very helpful.

As to question 2 ... where to see the names of the voices of OTS that are part of the style but not currently playing.  I might have found the answer ...  the info page of the Regist display.


Yes, the "Registrations information" page gives all the information on the status of registrations via "Direct Access + a registrations button from 1~8" and ...

If the page, Accessible via" Direct Access + one of the 'Bank Registration' buttons + OR - ' , is well filled with relevant info for each registration, this info can be found on the general 'Registrations information" page in the first column... and that's not all ...

From this page, if you keep it on the screen or call it up again while playing, you can call up registrations by clicking directly on the desired registration line!

The same applies to the OTS information page if the writing characters are "Bold White". It's a pity Yamaha doesn't allow you to select an individual voice, only the OTS as programmed.
Genos, GroovyBand Live-Platinum, Mfc10, VoiceLive-3EX
Ui24r Soundcraft/Tactile 24"/16", 2 DXR15, HF-SM35,58, beyerdynamic DT-770 PRO X LIMIT EDIT

Music is a Wave, choose the right Frequency to touch the Soul of those who listen to you ...