Styles within piano room - what's the point?

Started by jcm2016, Apr 19, 2023, 07:48 AM

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I have a CVP805.  I love using the piano room to simply play the piano, and enjoy most of the piano options.

I'm curious if I'm missing something on using the backing band with styles within the piano room.  The styles within the main area of the keyboard are more fullsome, with much more variety, and ability to control. 

So I don't personally come across the scenario where I use the styles within the piano room.  I wonder if it was developed for other purposes, and added to the CVP?  Then Yamaha could have stripped out the styles, or leave them alone.  It surprises me if the styles within the piano room were developed for the CVP.

Am I missing something on when to use the styles within the piano room?  It looks nice when demonstrated in the marketing videos, but I think gets superseded by the main styles functionality.





The styles in the piano room are generally chosen to work well as accompaniment with two handed piano playing. That doesn't mean many other styles don't work as well. And you have full access to those anyway, so it makes little difference.  It's just a nice visual short cut, and as you have found, has advantages sometimes, and not other times.
If you never use the styles in the piano room, though, there is not much advantage to it. You can equally well get the piano mode you like - and just as easily - with correct settings, pedal etc, by just creating one or two start up registrations. I have 2 CVPs and both have this as my normal way to select piano. I seldom use piano room.


The Piano room seems to just contain 45 simple styles to play along with.

You can make more simple sounding styles yourself that are bare bone sounding easy enough.


Thanks for the responses.

I'm curious - does anyone know why piano room was developed?  It seems odd to me that it was developed for the CVP given the much more powerful capability in the rest of the instrument.


IMHO, it was created to add/justify to the major price point of the CVP


Many people buying a CVP will be piano players who may have little experience with auto style accompaniment, and this feature is an easy way for them to start on that journey. And it's also a neat visual sales feature.   The styles are chosen to work quite well with traditional two handed piano playing, but they are a fairly small set.
I suspect many people use it a lot to begin with but drift away from it as they gain experience on the system. Certainly that's what I did.
There are a couple of downsides that I find a nuisance. But it does have some advantages for an experienced piano player trying to find a style quickly for a song that might be requested. Just pick, tap tempo and off you go.