Voices in original packs: MW vs JS

Started by BogdanH, Sep 16, 2022, 10:21 AM

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I have two original Yamaha packs, both for PSR-SX700 and both are cpf (locked). File names aren't that important; what is important is:

1st pack:
Filesize =286.648.392 bytes
Pack name =Vietnam 2 (as shown in YEM)
2nd pack:
Filesize =109.374.440 bytes
Packname =Vietnamese 2 (pack image has SX700 "Pre-installed" sign)

Both packs have exactly the same content, except few voices have different endings. For example:
In 1st pack there's "Dan Bau MW" voice, but in 2nd pack the same voice is named "DanBau JS".

I haven't installed those two packs yet, but I assume "MW" means MegaVoice,.. but what does JS mean? Interesting thing is if I create install (cpi) files, both have almost exactly the same size (only few bytes difference).

The question is: why would I prefer 1st pack instead of 2nd one (or vice versa)? And what's the difference between MW and JS voices?

Thank you,
PSR-SX700 on K&M-18820 stand
Playing for myself on Youtube


Older PSR  and Tyros models have a ModulationWheel (MW)

Newer PSR and Genos models have a JoyStick (JS)

Both controllers do the same thing to these voices. The only difference between the voices is the names.