Main difference between SX600 vs. SX900 (technical)

Started by ACSACS, Nov 01, 2021, 06:49 AM

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Hi Jeff, You don't miss a thing.

It's just that everyone has their own tastes and needs.

for example for me, it is more exciting to combine Arrangements + Synth.

since they are two different worlds and each one has its own charm.

others will prefer the synth + synthesizer combination, and others will prefer arranger + arranger.

for tastes there are colors.

my recommendation is, enjoy what you have at the moment,
and get the most out of it.

For my part, I am very happy with the keyboard configuration I have.

below attached image



[attachment deleted by admin]
"Enjoying my SX600, and moving step by step through the journey of life"


Quote from: janamdo on Nov 05, 2021, 09:13 AM
Hi Jeff,

I am curious when the new Yamaha arrangers are coming, and if they surpass the old ones?

Still a fantastic keyboard the SX600 and i has a mobilsheet pro (software) support for displaying songbooks on a tablet in front of you.
When i started with this keyboard on this forum i get help for setting up a songbook.

A songbook shows de pdf of the song (notes , chords)  and automatically the style is already loaded, so right away you can start playing.
Setting up this can take some time: see old post of the thread. 
Note: using a anymore old computerscreen can be positioned behind your keyboard, makes that you can see clearly the notes and play with ease.( and maybe sing along) ;D