Accessing playlists

Started by vall47, Aug 14, 2021, 08:50 AM

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I've just started learning the Genos system, only had the keyboard a few days so am a novice.  I'm working on playlists at the moment and I'm OK at making new playlists and saving registrations to them. My question is, how do I access the playlists? On pressing the Playlist button the keyboard goes to the last one used, but I am having difficulty accessing the other playlists I have created, I don't know where to look and can find no information in the manuals or on Youtube. Is there a list of them somewhere that I can call up? Any advice gratefully received
Vall47  :) :) :)

Fred Smith

Tap the playlist name (at the top). That will then show all your playlists.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thanks, Ronbo and Fred, I have tried your suggestions but no success. I have tried using a USB but still no good, same problems. I make the playlist, name it, add the registrations and save it. If I then switch off the keyboard and go back to the playlist later it is empty. The playlist comes up presumably because it is the last one I used, I have tried pressing the name of the playlist up the top but nothing happens. Perhaps it is a 'saving' problem?


Hi Vall
Watch this video, you may find what you are doing wrong. Activate English subtitles.
Watch my video channel


Thanks ckobu, I watched your videos and learned a lot from them. I think I have now kind of got the playlists sorted out in my head but the topic is far from being clear to me. I have got used to playing from lists on a usb on my S950 and the filing system of the Genos takes some getting accustomed to.  :) :) :)


Hi Vall
Just take it easy and it will all be the same on Genos.
If you use USB then you have to watch out for one bug with Genos. If you have two or three USB sticks inserted in the keyboard, they may not be assigned the same letter in front of the name (Drive letters).
In this case, Registrations will not load properly, so there is a problem with Playlists.
If you use only one USB, this problem will not happen.
Watch my video channel

Fred Smith

Quote from: vall47 on Aug 16, 2021, 10:33 AM
Thanks ckobu, I watched your videos and learned a lot from them. I think I have now kind of got the playlists sorted out in my head but the topic is far from being clear to me. I have got used to playing from lists on a usb on my S950 and the filing system of the Genos takes some getting accustomed to.  :) :) :)

The first thing I did with my Genos is get rid of USBs. There is so much User memory, I'll never run out. Keeps things simple.

And if you start with the User drive, you won't have to change anything.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thanks for your advice Fred. I have about 3000 registrations on the USB that I use with my S950 and am in the process of redoing them all for the Genos as of course they are not transferable (unless you know of a way to make them so). I have done about 10 of them so only another 2900 to go. By the time I have finished (probably in about 2026) I expect I will know the Genos system back to front

Fred Smith

Quote from: vall47 on Aug 17, 2021, 02:53 AM
Thanks for your advice Fred. I have about 3000 registrations on the USB that I use with my S950 and am in the process of redoing them all for the Genos as of course they are not transferable (unless you know of a way to make them so). I have done about 10 of them so only another 2900 to go. By the time I have finished (probably in about 2026) I expect I will know the Genos system back to front

The Genos loaded my T4 registrations without any problems. I had my new Genos up and running all y registrations within 30 minutes of turning it on. Some of the regs needed to be tweaked for Genos voices, but I could do that at my leisure.

If Genos doesn't recognize your 900 registrations, you should convert them to T4 regs using Murray's Registration Manager. Then they can be used on your Genos.

Murray's program can also change all the drive letters in one batch, but do one thing at a time.


Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Oh, OK, that sounds good, I'll try it. Thank you!


 :) Hi Fred
I finally got my Genos a couple of days ago, I had copied all the T4 Data via the MF from the T4 and often backed up the T4, the genos read my Reg as well as Text and all , many years of work on the T4 ,I would like to do as you did ,putting all the Reg in the user of the genos , But how? when coping to the genos from usb 
I can copy from reg what ever window is opened  how would one copy the style text etc  all the data at one time? by the way every one is right the Genos is a great key board there are many new features to learn from T4 to the Genos
     thanks for all the help from you on your posts

You Tube
Genos 1,Tyros 4 and Bose S1 Pro, Bose L1 Mod 2 w/tonematch
PSR S970

Fred Smith

Quote from: Paula on Aug 17, 2021, 12:32 PM
:) Hi Fred
I finally got my Genos a couple of days ago, I had copied all the T4 Data via the MF from the T4 and often backed up the T4, the genos read my Reg as well as Text and all , many years of work on the T4 ,I would like to do as you did ,putting all the Reg in the user of the genos , But how? when coping to the genos from usb 
I can copy from reg what ever window is opened  how would one copy the style text etc  all the data at one time? by the way every one is right the Genos is a great key board there are many new features to learn from T4 to the Genos
     thanks for all the help from you on your posts

Good questions, Paula. It took some organization, but saved me a lot of time in the long run.

As we know, the Genos will load T4 and T5 (and maybe other) registrations without problems. But on my T4, they ran from the hard drive, and I wanted them to run from the User drive. The same would apply if you had them on a USB, and wanted to move to the User drive.

And we know that Murray Best's Registration Manager does a marvellous job with registrations on a computer, including making wholesale changes in a batch run.

Unfortunately, while it works perfectly on Tyros registrations, Genos registrations are not so co-operative (why? only Yamaha programmers know for sure). So I had it make the necessary changes to my T4 registrations, then imported them to my Genos.

The key is knowing where Genos likes to store files on the User drive.
Style files are in C:/Style
Song files are in C:/Song
Text files are in C:/Text
Multipad files are in C:/Multi Pad (note the space -- another dumb move by Yamaha)

After modifying my registrations in four batch runs, I copied them to the Genos User drive using "USB storage mode". The Genos loaded them without problems, and I was off and running.

Hope this helps,
Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


thanks Fred
  as I stated my Reg work fine from the Tyros to Genos using the USB  device , I believe I set up like you as I learned from you (THANKYOU) I don't want to rework Reg from tyros just some tweaking or changing right hand voices are fine , I will work on trying to get my Tyros hard drive to user section on the Genos
      best regards
  OK Fred I re read your post if I understand your post you had connected  some of your Reg to user drive on the Tyros , 100% of my tyros sets are in folders and in the hard drive and saved on the computer so maybe that will help?
You Tube
Genos 1,Tyros 4 and Bose S1 Pro, Bose L1 Mod 2 w/tonematch
PSR S970

Fred Smith

Quote from: Paula on Aug 18, 2021, 10:36 AM
  OK Fred I re read your post if I understand your post you had connected  some of your Reg to user drive on the Tyros , 100% of my tyros sets are in folders and in the hard drive and saved on the computer so maybe that will help?

Yes, I did all this work on the computer.

The difference between the two keyboards is that Tyros did not impose a top-level folder for its various file types. Genos does.

So, for example, for my user styles, I changed "E:/" to "C:/Style/", and maintained the same folder structure under the Style toplevel folder.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Thanks Fred; My hubby down loaded the new version of Murrays for the Genos and said he'll try to figure out how to do this :~) I'm sure he'll have questions.
You Tube
Genos 1,Tyros 4 and Bose S1 Pro, Bose L1 Mod 2 w/tonematch
PSR S970


Hi Paula,
  All I did was make a back up of my Tyros 5 on my computer. I then transferred all the content to a 64Gb stick which stays in the underside USB compartment. I then put this in genos ,then I copied my folders and files into the right sections on Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login registrations Styles Multi Pads Midi Songs and Audio songs into the user section. As you know moving things around usually breaks the links of style to registration but it dose not take long to relink them. As I create new content I save to used and also my USB drive. This is my Back up and I can easily remove the stick from time to time and back up content to my computer. My bonus play lists are also on this stick so I know exactly where they are. I always remove any other sticks I may have plugged in on switch off. Then on switch on my USB backup will always read USB1 which it must do to read and load playlists.


Hi Paula,

If you have saved your Registrations and the files linked to them (e.g. styles or multi pads) on the Tyros4/5 hard drive (HD1) and want to use them on the Genos, the easiest way is to copy the entire T4/T5 hard drive content 1:1 to a USB stick (using the USB Storage Mode of the T5) and then use the Registrations on the Genos directly from the USB stick (i.e. do NOT copy everything to the internal Genos User drive).

Genos will ignore the drive letter "E:" (= T4/T5 hard drive) used in the original T4/T5 Registrations resp. automatically replace it with "I:" (= USB1). As long as the original T5 folder structure is on the USB stick, i.e. no folders are renamed or moved, the Registrations will work as usual without changing anything.

This procedure (copying the contents of the T4/T5 hard disk to a USB stick for use on the Genos) is also described in the two brochures "Genos Upgrade Guide" (page 13/14) and "EASILY UPGRADE TO GENOS" (page 29), which you can download here:
>>> Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login

If you "absolutely" want to bring all T4/T5 hard disk contents into the User drive of the Genos, you either have to edit the Registration files, as already mentioned (change the file paths to the linked styles) or manually re-link each Registration with the correct style and save each Bank file again.

In my opinion, however, the whole effort is unnecessary, because you can work just as well with a USB stick. USB sticks can also be quickly duplicated on the PC so that a spare stick with identical content is always available.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


 :) Hi Chris
thanks , yes the Genos read all my Reg, just fine using the USB , I have only had the Genos a few days and I have explored it well and all is going good, big problem for me is I find a new style for some of the songs and I dont like my old set up and I start from scratch, I need to get this together I am playing for a wedding the 25th of Sept. I want to use the Genos (I am Slow) I also have the Fair I do a three day gig  :'( :'( :'(I have to use my Tyros for that I wont take the Genos as its outside and it is sandy and dirty , I know not good for my Tyros either  I am in a pavilion  although all open ends, now that I have the Genos I am not wanting to play the Tyros I am a one keyboard person I set up my gigs in advance , thanks all for the help I must say it is going well,I also put the Text in the Reg,  so big job it goes in each Reg .
You Tube
Genos 1,Tyros 4 and Bose S1 Pro, Bose L1 Mod 2 w/tonematch
PSR S970