StYLE & Voices Question on Tyros1 Styles by Chris Easdown- question for SX700

Started by dlepera, Jan 31, 2021, 08:49 PM

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Hello.. I am trying to understand how I can copy voices from styles when I switch from one variation to another when using a USB.   Here is an example that should articulate what I am trying to do.

I.  I am playing the song "If I were A Carpenter"  and I know the Style Pack #14h has Carpenter.S098.sty in 06 Country category but I want to play in Reggae.
2  Loaded Chirs Easdoown's Tyros1 POP-ROCK3 Reggae2.sty - very nice style for this song by the way.
3. So I wan to play the Carpenter song in this Reggae style  much the same way as it is played by John Holt.
4. The intro with variation A starts off with a nice 50sDrawbarOrgan1 & second voice Drawbar Organ  with OTS1 light(orange)- sounds great!
5. I would like to start off with Intro and Variation B using the voices in OTS1 and progress from here.
  It would be nice to have these organs populate the preset organs in this SX700.

Challenge is this: When I the Organ voices to what is in OTS 1 , I obviously will only see what is preset on the keyboard and not the ones listed in the OTS1 display of this Reggae style.   What is interesting though is that if I am in Variation A and want to change the voices in OTS1, I get all kinds off neat organs showing up.
  Is there away to copy these voices into the user/usb areas so that they enhance the current Preset Organ list in the keyboard.  I have seen all kids of PADS and STYLES and Packs that can be downloaded, is there something like a Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login with voices from any legacy keyboard, or is there some kind of software limitation that people have just not bothered to create voices like they do styles?
             Regards!         dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!

Fred Smith


Voices can be saved, just like most anything else.

Go into Voice Set, and there will be a File>Save option.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Hi,Fred, I do realize that I can set a voice at a time,  I was hoping for something like saving all the voices that are presented to me at once. I think I would need Pack to do that. Correct? I guess this why I do not see Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login files like I do with PADs and Styles.   Thanks for your feedback.        Regards!        dom
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!


Hi dom

You can put any voice you want into any style at any of the 4 OTS slots on your keyboard.

Also all the LEGACY voices are on your keyboard. Yamaha never removes any of the old voices from the newer models. Heck, you even have the older GM voices on your keyboard. You do have to drill down into the voice links to get to them however.



Hello Drake.  Got exactly what I was looking for.  Managed to find the Panel in Voices that Revealed  Perc & Drums, Legacy Mega voices  and once I went into Style backing I triggered the GM2 and GM&XG as well. Nice voices "gold mine" for me.  Now things are starting to make sense to me.  Being new to this arranger keyboard keeps me open minded and every bit of info I get from all you helpful and talented forum members keeps bringing me to a whole new level. This just opened a new door for me and going to add a lot more enjoyment. 
  BTW.  I checked out your utube links and they revealed your true talent.  Great arrangements- great job.
  Thanks You! 
Life is a learning experience and sharing it is it's biggest reward!