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How to know the Multipad's voice (for using in style creation)

Started by anandmaloo, Dec 16, 2020, 12:53 AM

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I have a multipad - Deep Impact - its a single drum beat. I want to incorporate this voice/drum in my style by style creator. How do I know, which voice or drum kit do I have to select while style creation, to use the same voice. I vaguely remember there is a number to each voice of multipad, but unable to find that for the multipad's voice.

I have a Genos and it is not an audio multipad.




Hi Anand,

go to MENU > Multi Pad Creator > MIDI Multi Pad Recording > Step Edit.

At the beginning of the event list you should see Ctrl 0, Ctrl 32 and PRG (Program Change). These three numbers define the Voice (Drum Kit) used. Then look for that MSB/LSB/PRG combination in the Voice List or Drum Kit List in the T5 Data List PDF.

If a Drum Kit (MSB=127) or an SFX Kit (MSB=126) is used, the Drum INSTRUMENT played by the Multi Pad depends on the note number. So, in the event list look also which notes are used.

You could also use the "MixMaster" PC (Windows) program:
- First set the Genos as instrument in the menu bar of MixMaster.
- Load the Multi Pad bank file into MixMaster.
- Click on "Voices View" button to see the Voices used in the four. single Pads of that Multi Pad bank file. Next to the Voice names you can see the Voice adresses: [MSB LSB PC]. Note: Because PC is the MIDI Program Change number, you have to add the number 1 to get the Yamaha PRG number.
- To check which NOTES are used, click "List View" button.

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
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