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more info on e373 please

Started by ekurburski, Sep 28, 2020, 06:57 PM

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I've been reviewing the manual for the new e 373 & checking out the videos.  I must say it appears this is quite the kb for only $199.  The only thing that concerns me is the lack of info on the styles.  //////info says it uses sf1 files which has 8 different tracks.  Can you control volumne and or balance of those tracks?  Can I cancel the playing of certain tracks naking the stlyes less complex?


I haven't researched this too closely, but I'd have to guess a "no" on all of the above.  Even the PSR-E463 cannot control the volume and balance of the style tracks, though it can mute/turn off individual tracks (or at least groups of tracks, as there 6 buttons for switching style parts on and off, so if there are 8 MIDI channels for the styles, then some channels must be doubled up on the buttons).  But as I look at the front panel of the E373, I do not see the track on/off buttons that are on the later E400 series keyboards.
Current: Yamaha PSR-E433 (x2), Roland GAIA SH-01, Casio CDP-200R, Casio MT-68 (wired to bass pedals)
Past: Yamaha PSR-520, PSR-510, PSR-500, DX-7, D-80 home organ, and a few Casios


ha, it appears that the ability I desire , controlling style tracks, is only offered in a small way on the top model of the e series.  Being able to mute individual tracks would be satisfactory for the most part though.  Also I see that the e463 is also able to be powered by batteries.  Another important item for me as I'm looking for a practice keyboard when on the road.  How long does the kb go on battery power.?  Also I see that one can load like 10 additional styles.  Are there styles available like we have available for our more pro kb's?


Note that you can mute the individual tracks also on some older keyboards such as E433/E443/E453. In my experience, almost all SFF1 styles work on these keyboards as long as the size does not exceed 50KB. You might need come revoicing but quite often the keyboard does a good revoicing by itself (based on midi structure, I guess). You are also limited to the A/B sections but there is nice software to exchange the C/D parts with A/B (you can use the same software to reduce the size of the style file by omitting certain parts).
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700