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Started by Lloyd E, Sep 11, 2019, 06:26 AM

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Lloyd E

Lets all of us remember that terrible day when so many people lost there loved ones. Bless them.   Lloyd
Nearly 3000 people died that day.


The day that the world changed forever  :'(

Been there ( ground zero) past year , realy impressive


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Genos & YC61 and Tannoy Gold 5 Monitors
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I visited the 9/11 Memorial last August... No words can express what I felt

God bless America
Jose Gavila
Yamaha: U3H, DX7, TX81Z, DX11, SY77, TG77, SY85, A3000, AN1x, EX5, EX5R, EX7, MOTIF RACK XS, MONTAGE 6 (B & WH), MODX6+, GENOS

Plus lots other music toys :-)

Lee Batchelor

Agreed. I live in a small town of 12,000 people in southern Ontario, Canada. We lost one person to Tower 1 on that horrific day. That's nothing compared to American losses but it does tell you how widespread the event was, not to mention the rest of the world. The days of the conventional battlefield are gone. The insanity has reached our own backyards. Hats off to the US and their ability to rebound  ;).
"Learn" your music correctly, then "practice" it. Don't practice mistakes because you'll learn them.


Yes it was a terrible attack on our country. It's very sad to here the media repeat, that something happened, and that airplanes took aim at those towers.
I guess today with political correctness as bad it ever has been, we miss what exactly happened. That we Americans were attacked by an extremist terrorist ideology...Period!