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Can't transfer styles from S770

Started by robinrosshhi, May 02, 2019, 02:50 PM

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Have two S770 arrangers with months of editing my particular styles for live gigging four nights a week. Just upgraded to a PSR S775 and everything that has been saved on the 770 to its' USB, when inserted into the new arranger, it's like it's not there. I dread the thought of months and months of editing again into the new machine.

Any ideas? I have copied the S770 data onto several different thumb drives to try to have them "read" by the S775, so it's not the thumb drives.

On the thumbdrive is the System Volume information and a file called PSR-S770.bup.  Does this backup file hold my edited styles? And I guess the question would be, will the S775 "read" it, or load it into the machine for me to access the edited styles? Or am I going about this the wrong way?


Hi robin,
maybe you should format the usb first with the s775 and then use it?

Save the folders on your pc first not to loose them.

Can the s775 see any midi songs from the usb or anything else like voices,registrations etc?
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The USB drive that is in the S770 has been formatted (in the 770) and then stuff routinely saved to it (we're always tweaking). I took a picture of the screen in the S770 and the styles that show up. Some are third party styles that we downloaded and then heavily edited.

I take this same thumb drive and stick it into the S775 and when I hit "restore", I get this screen that says "File not found" it's two different operating systems. We want to be able to use the styles from the S770 and maybe it isn't possible?

So you're saying I should format a new USB in the S775, take it out, put it in the S770, save my stuff onto it, then put it back into the s775?

[attachment deleted by admin]


Yes that I would do.Just make sure not to loose your files.
When you format a usb everything will be lost!!
Be careful.

From the s775 manual page 100:

"""Formatting a USB flash drive
You should format the USB flash drive only with this
instrument (page 101). A USB flash drive formatted on
another device may not operate properly.
The format operation overwrites any previously existing data. Make
sure that the USB flash drive you are formatting does not contain
important data. Proceed with caution, especially when connecting
multiple USB flash drives.""""

May I also ask why you went to the restore function?
Restore is not fixing the usb but is fixing the keyboard to it's initial settings.

And also in the photo the tab there says USER or USB1? I cannot see clearly.
If it says USER then the modified styles are saved in the memory of the s770 and not saved in the usb's memory.
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I assume that the 'File not found...' message is referring to a backup (.bup) for the S775 !

I would be surprised if the S775 will read a .bup file for an S770, although the 2 models are similar so I suppose it might!  The S770 .bup file will only include those files that were on the User drive anyway, and not files stored on a USB stick.

I assume that you have got copies of the actual individual style files stashed away somewhere.  If this is the case, then you can just copy/paste them to the S775 User drive, if that is where you want to keep them.  If you have made any registrations for the S770 that use files on the user drive, then you must copy/paste the styles etc. in a way that mirrors the exact same S770 folder structure on the S775. This will ensure that the file path to the styles is identical and should allow the registrations to find them. 

If all the styles are on a USB stick, and you are using registrations that look for the styles on it, then you shouldn't need to do anything, other than to make sure that you use the Style selection screen to view the styles rather than any other screen!  The 'Restore' screen won't display style files even if there are some in the same folder!




I think Ian has nailed it.

Don't use the 'backup' function, just copy and paste the folders containing the styles directly onto the USB.

Do the same for any voice, registration etc folders.


Asking for patience. This is what we have been doing. Have a S770 in the studio; have an S770 in the equipment truck for playing gigs. During weekly rehearsals, tweaks are made to drum patches, piano sounds, etc. These are saved onto a backup USB. Then when we go to a gig, that backup USB gets plugged into the second S770  in the equipment truck and "restore" is hit, and all the new tweaks are there.

We want to do the same thing with the new S775, but you guys said we shouldn't be hitting "restore", we should be copying and pasting folders. What page of the manual can I follow directions to do that?

We're mostly players, not computer/folder people....thanks for all the help.


The backup file created by the 'Backup' function will save the files (styles included) on the USER drive of your S770.

When you 'hit Restore' on your new S775, the keyboard will look for an S775 backup file (probably named 'PSR-S775.bup').

Because the backup file on your USB is for an S770, it will be called 'PSR-S770.bup' so the S775 won't find the file!

You could try changing the filename to 'PSR-S775.bup' but although the keyboard might then list it, I think that if you select it, the keyboard will display an error since the backup files have internal headers which identify the keyboard model, and anyway the parameters saved in the file may be different!

If you have copied the styles in the S770 USER drive to a USB stick, then you can add them to the USER drive on the S775 by using the standard file management functions Copy/Paste.  If necessary, you can read how to do this in the section 'File Management' starting on page 27 of the 'PSR-S775 Owner's Manual'.

Once you have copied the styles etc. to the USER drive of the S775, you can then create a backup file for the S775 if you like, which you can use on another S775 in the same way that you did with the S770s, but I doubt that this file would work on a S770 if you still have them!.

However you could simply keep all files on a USB stick and run them from this instead, and then you could move that from keyboard to keyboard irrespective of the Yamaha model.





Don't mind about asking questions if you don't understand some functions.

Also you can take a look at these videos to understand how the "copy and paste"thing  works.

You have 3 kind of memories on both keyboards.
1.Preset=internal memory of the keyboard.The keyboard does not allow you to make any changes to this memory.
2.User memory=Internal memory of the keyboard but you can save or delete there anything you wish.
3.USB1 memory=It is an "External" memory.What is in there (in the USB) it can be transferred to another keyboard or to a personal computer.
But to be able the keyboard or the PC to "read" what is into the USB and "open" the files or folders,they must have the appropriate program installed.
So they cannot read everything that is related to computers.They can "read" only certain things and some they cannot.

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Quote from: tyrosaurus on May 03, 2019, 12:20 PM
However you could simply keep all files on a USB stick and run them from this instead, and then you could move that from keyboard to keyboard irrespective of the Yamaha model.

You know I think this is the best solution, particularly for anyone who is a bit unsure about file management.

It might take a little pain to copy the styles out of User and onto the USB, but once you're fully running from the USB it will make everything much simpler.

Joe H

You should be able to "Copy All" in a single operation... there is nothing hard about that.  I think it best to keep user (edited) styles on the USB drive and NOT the User drive on the keyboard. That is primarily for files that come with the expansion packs.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


I have both psr s775 and s770 what works on the 770 works on 775 so the problem is from the pen drive might be corrupted -SynthGrooves