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Compatibility of Tyros 5 custom voices with Tyros 4

Started by filoaman, Apr 29, 2018, 02:29 PM

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I create some custom sounds on my Tyros 5.
These are original sounds using my personal samples and these sounds DON'T use the internal wave library of Tyros 5.
In order to use them you have to install them as an expansion pack.

My question:
Are these sounds compatible with Tyros 4?
If i send the .ppf file to a Tyros 4 user can he create an installation pack with YEM and use my sounds on his Tyros 4?
Did someone of you Tyros 4 users, ever try something like this?

Thank you in advance :)


Hi --

Tyros 4 does not support YEM. It has its own voice editors. The only conversion path from T5 to T4 is to import the samples into T4 and recreate the custom voices using T4's editors.

Conversion in the other direction, T4 to T5, is supported by YEM, but, unfortunately, that's not what you're looking for. Bummer.

Hope this helps out -- pj


>> Tyros 4 does not support YEM

Are you sure ??????????

So how you install expansion packs in your Tyros 4?
How do you create your own custom Expansion Pack?

I do not ask if you can use YEM to create custom voices in Tyros 4.
My question is if you have a .ppf file from Tyros 5 how can install it on your Tyros 4.


I have a Tyros4 and I can assure you that it definitely does not support YEM!

Tyros4 custom voices were made in the form of UVN or UVD for individual voices, and packs were supplied by Yamaha as pack files which were loaded directly to the keyboard.   Your YEM PPI or PPF files can't be used with any Tyros model earlier than the Tyros5.

As pj has already said, UVN and UVD files from T4 and earlier can be imported as content into a pack in YEM, and can then be included in a PPI or PPF, but you can't make UVN/UVD files from YEM.  Yamaha provided T5 versions (YEM compatible) of any of it's packs that you had purchased from them.

The T4 (and earlier models) had built-in functions for loading and managing UVN /UVDs, and a pack load function for packs sold by Yamaha.

It also contained an on-board Voice Creator, and there was additional Voice Editor software available for use on a computer.  This was removed from the Tyros5, and YEM was introduced to take it's place.

So whether you believe it or not, it won't change the fact that Tyros4 does not support YEM!  ::)




OK - Thank you for the answer. I read somewhere that keyboards like PSR970 or 770 working with YEM and i had the impression that Tyros 4 was also capable to manage material via this application since, according my opinion, Tyros 4 is far more advanced than PSR series.
Pure curiosity:
So if you want to mix material from different expansion packs in Tyros 4, what do you do?


Quote from: filoaman on May 01, 2018, 11:13 AM
Pure curiosity:
So if you want to mix material from different expansion packs in Tyros 4, what do you do?

You can't, it's as simple as that!

Even if you only want to use just one custom voice from a Yamaha Tyros4 pack, you must load the whole pack!

That is one of the big advantages of YEM since you can make effective use of the expansion memory by only loading the voices that you want.

You can have more than one pack loaded on the Tyros4 unlike the single PPI from YEM based instruments, and of course third party custom voices will be in the form of individual UVN/UVDs which can be loaded singly and freely mixed. Packs and individual UVN/UVDs can also be freely deleted, although if the item being deleted is not the most recently loaded one, it is necessary to 'defrag' the module to actually recover and reuse the memory, which can take some time. In fact it can actually be quicker to just reformat the memory thus deleting all the existing content, then loading everything again!   

However there are system limits on certain parameters which can prevent you from loading additional packs, even if there is enough empty memory on the expansion board.  The most problematic of these parameters is the so called 'Wave Count' which was increased in the final firmware update for Tyros4 from 8192 (mono) to 9999, but even then I am left with plenty of space (239MB) on my 1GB expansion board for another large Yamaha pack, but only 1050 'Wave Counts', and since the pack requires more than this, the OS
won't load any of it!

It appears to me that YEM is a much better system in terms of efficient use of expansion memory, but I can't see Yamaha ever making it available for Tyros4 (or earlier), even if it were possible to do so!

