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Want no pitch-change or chord-follow of a Multipad?

Started by ton37, Dec 28, 2017, 10:19 AM

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I want a multipad-sound (kind of arp-sound, not a audio-mp) that remain in the same 'tune', so no pitch or following the chord (ACMP). Is there a function to setup the multipad. In a former keyboard (a technics) I remembered that it could be setupped. For the T5 I cannot find it? It looks that the manual says it cannot be done? If that is true, so be it... >:(
Regards Ton
My best regards,


load or select  your Pad, select Edit and make all parameters of it off, then save.


Thanks for your reply Segull29, I loaded one from my HD,  but in MP-Edit-menu I only can 'delete or copy', I see no menu to change parameters?
My best regards,


To do this you need to load the relevant MP bank, and then open 'Multi Pad Creator' (press CREATOR > MULTI PAD CREATOR).!

Once open, at the bottom of the screen you will see options for 'Repeat' and 'Chord Match' for each of the four pads in the bank.

It is the 'Chord Match' setting that you need to set to 'Off' to prevent the pads from following chords.

Set as appropriate for each MP, then save the bank to make your changes permanent.

Note that MPs using non drum voices will still be transposed if the keyboard is transposed even with Chord match turned off, but will not follow chords played.






Thanks tyrosaurus for your detailed explanation. I had not used the Creation function yet. It works well now thanks to your help.
@Seagull29, thanks anyway, I presume your solution would have gone in the same direction tyrosaurus pointed at.

Regards Ton

My best regards,