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Tyros 4 Speakers v PA system

Started by Turracoo, Dec 22, 2017, 11:43 AM

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Hi Folks,
been having a few problems with my T4 speakers recently and fancied getting a small PA system for playing the odd small venue but mostly for home use, has anyone use either the LD Maui 5 or HK Audio Lucas Nano 300 ?
Just wondered if they offered an improvement in quality over the T4 set up, don't necessarily need it to be very loud but I would like good quality.
My subwoofer occasionally cuts out but comes back on with a little thump on top so imaging it is a loose solder or connection inside and my left speaker sometimes sounds distorted.
Any info welcome, unfortunately budget won't stretch to Bose L1 
Difficult for me to go to store to listen to them as I am @ 200 miles from nearest music store.
Thank you


I actually have both systems, two Maui 5's and a double Nano 300 system.
For home, if you only plan to get one Maui 5, I would suggest the Nano 300 instead, because you can still run stereo with just one unit, by separating the top speakers and hooking up correctly.  You will need the optional extension package to do this.
Arrangers, and particularly Yamaha arrangers, are designed to be played and heard in stereo.
Hope this helps!
And welcome to the forum!


Star, really appreciate the info Don,
there is a used Nano 300 for sale not far from me with the optional stands and carry bags for @ £100 less than the Maui so looks like that is what I'll be going for.
Thanks again,
