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Genos2 Dynamics Control

Started by Chalky, Feb 02, 2025, 05:27 PM

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Hello, I would appreciate if anyone can advise on these two problems.

On the G1, I could set Dynamics Control to ON and then the Style would get slightly louder and more present when I played R1/R2/R3 harder and slightly quieter when I played softer.  On the G2, this no longer seems to work.  Is this function removed or am I making a rookie error?

On the G2, the DynCtl knob in Live Control is present in Knob Assign 2 when I first turn it on but it disappears at some time in a typical playing session for some reason and in fact the whole of Knob Assign 2 is replaced (with Kybhieq, Kybloeq, etc).  I have to do a Utility-Live Control Reset to get it back.   Is this normal?

The G2 is brand new and up-to-date on firmware.





The Dynamic Control of the Genos 1 has been removed from the Genos2 in favor of a Knob with a fixed value ... Yamaha's big mistake ... the two functions should cohabit.

On Genos we have 4 Control settings when we click on the line and react dynamically to the Dynamic touch of the left or right keyboard.

This is one of the reasons why I've just bought a new Genos 1 with warranty, the previous one having just reached 7 years of age and allowing me to wait for the G3, G4 or whatever ... the competition is moving faster than Yamaha and until then ...

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Genos, GroovyBand Live-Platinum, Mfc10, VoiceLive-3EX
Ui24r Soundcraft/Tactile 24"/16", 2 DXR15, HF-SM35,58, beyerdynamic DT-770 PRO X LIMIT EDIT

Music is a Wave, choose the right Frequency to touch the Soul of those who listen to you ...


Thank you Patrick for your clear reply.