Left hand sound "sticks" and won't turn off

Started by Whcanetoad, Dec 02, 2017, 11:20 PM

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The left hand voice/sound/instrument on my Tyros 5 is frequently "sticking", ie, won't stop playing, when I switch from one Registration in a Registration bank to another...the only way to get the stuck sound to stop is to turn the Tyros off and then back on...

Anyone else experienced this problem? Would a software upgrade possibly fix it? It's like something is "shorting out"...



Sem's to me like one or more registration make a confusion
set up on your kayboard.If that problem hapened in all registration ,try
with general reset.
Turn off your kayboard and press the higer kay on your kaybord and then turn
kayboard On again in the same time.That maby help...


If you want to fly,you must first walk....


Just one thing.
Left hold button must be Off if you dont
want to hold left voice...(green led  must be off...)

If you want to fly,you must first walk....