How to get MidiPlayer supports Tyros5 or Genos?

Started by SG2009, March 25, 2023, 12:14:16 PM

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I downloaded the MIDIPlayer from the link below but it only shows up to Tyros 4. Are there any files that I can update to leverage for Tyros 5 or Genos. I currently have a Genos keyboard. would really appreciate your wonderful suggestion. thank you.


I don't think Michael will be adding any more instruments   You can use T5 and Genos styles by adding them to your MidiPlayer folder in the program   and to be honest there is not enough difference between the T4 and T5  to affect the results with the Midiplayer  You can contact Michael via Jorgen Sorensons site and he may be able to advise you more


Michael has stopped programming end 2017.
I took over the programming for MixMaster, PadMaker-Midi, PadMaker-Style and OpenText, bacause they are all written in the same programming language (XOJO).
As MidiPlayer is programmed in Visual Basic 6.0 that does not run anymore on Windows 10 or 11 PC's I want be able to change anything at the existing MidiPlayer version.

But there is a solution :
You can change the Tyros 4 data file with the voices and styles that are used in the Genos.
This way when you select the Tyros in MidiPlayer it will have the data for the Genos.

What would you like to do in MidiPlayer ?
Can MixMaster perhaps do the job for you ?

If plan A doesn't work, don't forget that the alphabet has 25 more letters.


Hi Etienne
Thats exactly what I have done
Replaced the Tyros 4 data with Genos and it works fine even with Windows 10