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Great left-hand bass sound for PSR-E433 and up

Started by SciNote, Aug 25, 2022, 06:10 AM

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I have been working on potentially gigging with my equipment.  As such, with the set up I have designed, I will not be able to use the organ-style bass pedals that I have, as it would just be too much stuff to carry around at this point.  Not to mention that I'd have to custom-build something that I could use in conjunction with my stand, otherwise one of the supports of the stand would be in the way of the pedals.  So, I have been coming up with arrangements for the songs that I play to get the most bass I can using my left hand, while still not losing too much fullness of sound.

Keep in mind, I generally only use the auto-accompaniment styles for the drums -- I usually play everything else directly, and I also use a small Roland GAIA SH-01 synthesizer along with my PSR-E433 for additional flexibility.  And of course, I split the E433's keyboard and have a different sound playing for the right hand melody and chords.  Also, with the drums playing, at least with the amp that I put together, the bass drums also add to the overall fullness of the sound, as well.

I have found that the sound called RS Saw, which is sound number 154 on the E433, works great as a bass sound for all types of rock, dance, and other energetic music.  It has a great punch to the beginning of the note or envelope without being overbearing, and the sound does not fade out like a piano or plucked string -- you'll keep getting background sound for as long as you hold the notes -- so it is a very flexible sound.  You can experiment with the octave to get the sound that suits your taste and the music you're playing, and of course, you can add reverb and chorusing to enhance the sound.

I would imagine that the PSR-E400 series keyboards above the E433 also include this sound (and maybe even the earlier versions), but I don't have the equivalent sound numbers handy.

I just figured that I'd pass this along for anyone looking for a good, versatile, left-hand bass sound for these keyboards.
Current: Yamaha PSR-E433 (x2), Roland GAIA SH-01, Casio CDP-200R, Casio MT-68 (wired to bass pedals)
Past: Yamaha PSR-520, PSR-510, PSR-500, DX-7, D-80 home organ, and a few Casios


No143 RS Tech Saw on my EZ-300 maybe too on the E373 as it's very similar