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Tyros 2 wave files

Started by milomils41, Jul 29, 2022, 06:36 AM

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This question has probably been ask before but I have some wave files that I have recorded on other Yamaha keyboards which I want to load onto my Tyros 2 from a USB pen.

The Tyros 2 has a Hard drive

I cannot find any reference to this in the manual other than how to record

Thanks in anticipation
Brian Miles


Hi Brian,

You cannot load a Wave file (.wav) directly on the Tyros2, you have to IMPORT it first in order to be able to play it on the T2. (This converts the Wave file to the T2's proprietary internal audio format.)

Please refer to pages 137/138 of the Tyros2 Owners Manual.

By the way, the wave file to be imported must have the following format:
    • 44.1 kHz sampling rate
    • 16-bit resolution
    • stereo

Hope this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)


Hi Chris
Thanks for your reply, I have the wav files in a usb pen but the tyros 2 cannot read them, It just shows an empty folder, so I cannot convert them.
Perhaps I'm missing something, I recall that 12 years ago I had no problem, some were recorded on the psr s900, converted to mp3 files, just recently I converted them back to wave files but as the tyros cannot see them there is obviously something I am not doing correctly
They play perfectly as wave files on the computer.
Best wishes

Best wishes


Hi again
Should read Import not Convert


Pressing HARD DISK RECORDER [SELECT] and then click on "Wave Import" on the "AUDIO screen. If you cannot see the files, I guess they are in the wrong format (see post of overover).
SX900 and Casio CT-S500
Former keyboards: E433, E463, S670, SX700


Yes, I have already done that but I can't see the files, although they are definitely wave files, I suppose the only solution is to re-record them on the Tyros

Best wishes
Brian by


Hi. I guess you need to take another usb stick and format it on the tyros. Than, use a computer to copy your wave file to the new stick. This should resolve the problem of tyros not able to see the files


The USB stick I used has been formatted on the tyros 2, all my other styles etc including the Genos SFF1 ones recently uploaded from this usb to this site are visible on the tyros, so I don't reformatting the usb would help but if you think otherwise I will give it a try
Best wishes

Fred Smith

Quote from: milomils41 on Jul 30, 2022, 12:40 PM
The USB stick I used has been formatted on the tyros 2, all my other styles etc including the Genos SFF1 ones recently uploaded from this usb to this site are visible on the tyros, so I don't reformatting the usb would help but if you think otherwise I will give it a try
Best wishes

Most of us think your problem still is your WAV file is not formatted properly. Improperly formatted files will not be displayed by the keyboard. Read Chris's response again on the required format. You can convert WAV files using a program like Audacity.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
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