DGX-650 question about default main volume

Started by dr4sight, Sep 15, 2021, 08:19 AM

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I've had my DGX-650 for a few years now and still love all the things it can do.

Something that I've recently noticed is that when I turn it on the Grand Piano voice (#1) is way too loud with the volume knob set halfway between min and max.  I don't recall it being that way in the past.

When I use the function button to check the Main Volume setting it reads 112  (I believe 127 is the most it can be).  To be comfortable to my ears I can reset it something in the low 80s but after I do so if I re-turn the piano that voice is back to 112 loud.

Is there a setting or way to change it to  a number in the mid 80s and have it stay that way?  I already use all the registration slots for voices and have made sure that the main volume on each is comfortable for me.

thanks in advance.



Hello Larry,

Unfortunately, to achieve what you want to do, you really need a register memory slot.

When you power the DGX-650 off, Style Volume, Song Volume and Metronome Volume will remain into memory, but not the Main, Dual and Split voices volume.

I'd suggest you use Bank 1 Memory Slot 1 to store the Natural! Grand Piano voice at the appropriate volume, since this is most probably a setting that you will use again and again.


Past keyboards: PSR E313, PSR E413, PSR E433, PSR S550, DGX 640, upright piano.
Now: DGX 650, Casio CT-X800.