XGWORKS important Question

Started by Jeff Hollande, Oct 17, 2021, 07:23 AM

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We can approach in many different ways. Everything I did in Producer can be done in the keyboard itself (Step Recording) or in XGWorks. I chose Producer because it is more transparent for that part of the job. I hope that author Peter Vierzba will work on Producer and fix some more little things that create a problem.
The other part of the work I did in XGWorks can also be done in Cubase, Cakewalk or some other DAW. I chose XGWorks because it is the most efficient and its MIDI settings are reduced to two clicks.
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Jeff Hollande

For me XGW is the best midi prog for editing midi files made from Yamaha styles.

My favourite DAWS are Cakewalk by BandLab for Win and Cubase for Mac.
