Practicing while Style is playing recorded channel in Style Creator

Started by chikitin, May 31, 2020, 03:17:08 PM

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When I create a style, say I have recorded Drum on Channel 9 with Drum kit 1 and I would like to practice another kit say Kit 2 voice to record on channel 10. Is there a way for me to practice with Kit 2 while channel 9 is playing? it seems I have to do it in the record mode and I cannot select Kit 2 with Right 1 or 2 to play along with my recording in Style creator.

Any workaround would be appreciated.


Live Musician Newbie

Not sure If I completely understood what you said ...
You want to practice drumming another kit while an existing recorded kit is playing.

Style creator - Say you have a pattern in Rhy 2 you want to check a new kit in Rhy 1 while Rhy 2 is playing. Do the following steps
1. Record mode switch to Rhy 1 (Rec Channel + Rhy 1) 1 (Down arrow)
2. Choose the desired kit using the 1 (Up arrow).
3. Go to Drum setup (G button) .. very important else you will end up entering the notes
4. Press Start Stop to start your Rhythm while you can try your sounds in Drum Setup mode.

Hope this helps.

I know the above is way too complicated rather than a simple record standby.


I think I understand what you want to do, but not sure why you are unable to do it. If you create and save a style, then go into live play mode, you can select and play the new style by playing a chord. Then you should be able to go to percussion and a suitable kit for to play over it. You might have to reset the split point quite low to access all the kit components.
Alternatively, could you copy and paste channel 9 into channel 10, in style creator, then change the kit in channel 10?