“On Bass” chords appear in “Fingered Chord Mode: and “Single Chord Mode”.

Started by kristja, Nov 07, 2019, 08:09 PM

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My PSR 2100 chords don't sound right (or look right on the screen) when in "Fingered mode".  When playing a C chord it sounds good and I see the letter "C" on the screen BUT when playing an F or G7 chord they do not sound right and I see "F/c and G7/c on the screen.  It looks a lot like the "On Bass" chord setting but it is not set to "on Bass".
This problem only started recently when I loaned it to a friend.
How can I correct this.

Fred Smith

You need to check your Fingering mode. It has to beset wrong.

Fred Smith,
Saskatoon, SK
Sun Lakes, AZ
Genos, Bose L1 compacts, Finale 2015
Check out my Registration Lessons


Quote from: kristja on Nov 07, 2019, 08:09 PM
My PSR 2100 chords don't sound right (or look right on the screen) when in "Fingered mode".  When playing a C chord it sounds good and I see the letter "C" on the screen BUT when playing an F or G7 chord they do not sound right and I see "F/c and G7/c on the screen. It looks a lot like the "On Bass" chord setting but it is not set to "on Bass".
This problem only started recently when I loaned it to a friend.
How can I correct this.

Hi kristja,

in this case, only the currently selected MIDI Template ist "wrong":

• Please press [Function] button and then [H] button ("MIDI").

• Then select the Standard MIDI Template "All Parts" (or the Template "KBD & STYLE").
  (These two Templates only differ in transmitting the Keyboard Parts via MIDI / USB-MIDI cable to an external MIDI device.)

• Press [Exit] button to close the MIDI display. (This will also automatically SAVE your current selection made in the MIDI display.)

• Your problem should be solved now. :)

The real reason for this "problem" is that the (I guess accidentally) selected "wrong" MIDI template contains a special setting in the "Root" tab of the MIDI Setting (Function - MIDI - Edit - Root). There one can define that the Chord Root note should be played on a Bass Pedal Keyboard. BUT if NO such Pedal Keyboard is connected, the accompaniment will add the Bass note "C" to EACH Chord you play. ;)

I do NOT recommend to select "Single Finger" mode. You should use at least "Multi Finger" Mode (or better "Fingered" or "AI Fingered" modes). "Multi Finger" combines "Fingered" and "Single Finger" mode. So, you can, for example, play Major chords by pressing a single key but you can also play chords by 3, 4 or 5 fingers.

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)