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Started by HVYamaha, Oct 24, 2018, 09:13 AM

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When I like to use the recording function to play a voice  into a midifile, my PSR3000 chooses standard channel 1 to record to. Is it possible to choose another channel? And how can I do that
Thanks if you can help me


You can record in any channel. Just make sure the channel is empty. Should be channels (1-8 ).
Hold down the REC button down. Then look below your main BIG screen, there you will see 2 rows of buttons (1 thru 8 ). Select any of the TOP buttons for channels (1-8). The bottom row is for channels (9-16). After selecting one from the top row, you will then see a drop down window menu. Select what you want to record in the channel. (ie Right voice, Left voice ..)



Thanks for the response, but your solution seems not to work on my KB. when I choose one of the top row eg. channel2 and I try to add a flute for example to the midifile, nothing is recorded.
I switch off all other channels except the one I like to record to.


The steps will work on your keyboard. I can't tell from what you posted that you did wrong, not enough detail.

Are you able to record in channel #1 ( the default) ?


From Drake's answer..

"you will then see a drop down window menu. Select what you want to record in the channel. (ie Right voice, Left voice")

This is really important. When you select a record channel, it defaults to listening to one of e.g, R1, R2, multipad 4 etc. So if you are playing your flute part on voice R1, you must make sure the record channel is listening to R1.
