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Attn Yamaha: Slider value pick up

Started by pjd, Mar 02, 2018, 06:47 PM

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I have to thank Simon Sherbourne's review of the Aturia KeyLab Essential for inspiring the following suggestion. His review appears in the February 2018 issue of Sound On Sound Magazine.

The Genos sliders are noticeably jumpy. Their behavior has prompted several complaints on the PSR Tutorial Forum.

Simon likes the value "take over" implemented in the Arturia KeyLab Essential. Quoting Simon's review:

"Take over is always smooth. ... Sliders take over using Ableton-style scaling. As soon as you move a slider the software knows where it is and draws a 'ghost' fader showing the hardware position. Any movement will produce relative adjustment of the mapped parameter until the physical and virtual sliders come together. Clever!"

The Arturia manual calls this "Pickup" behavior: "the faders in your DAW will gradually move to match the current position of the fader on your controller as it moves."

Yamaha should add pickup behavior to the Genos sliders. Slider mode should be selectable by setting either a utility parameter or a controller function setting.

-- pj

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Joe H

Quote from: pjd on Mar 02, 2018, 06:47 PM
... Yamaha should add pickup behavior to the Genos sliders. Slider mode should be selectable by setting either a utility parameter or a controller function setting.

-- pj

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Call it what you will... but it is still encoder code.  Which is less effective on standard pots than would be with continuous rotating encoder pots.  And if Yamaha adds this new code the Faders will work pretty well if you leave them at center.

As has been stated by a few already, this should have been implemented right from the get go on such a pricey keyboard.  The Motif cost far less and offers far more.

Yamaha is behind the curve on this one.

Joe H
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Came across another idea for consideration by Yamaha.

This idea appears in the Nord Stage 3 review by Gordon Reid in the March 2018 issue of Sound On Sound magazine.

The Stage 3 Compact has physical drawbars and offers a (Drawbar) Live mode that, when you jump between Programs, uses the physical positions of the drawbars as the current (organ) registration no matter what is stored in memory. This is an excellent innovation, and one that I would undoubtedly find useful.

Who's to argue with Gordon Reid when it comes to synths?


Nord call this feature Drawbar Live and describe it as follows: The Nord Stage 3 Compact model has an additional Drawbar Live setting. With this setting active the Organ will use the current positions of the physical drawbars.

This is another way that Yamaha could make the sliders more useful for drawbar organ players.

All the best, pj