PSR S770 Chord Recgonition Problem from external controller

Started by stevehdj, Dec 20, 2017, 07:29 PM

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Hello All,

I seem to be having a problem with the recognition of chords that are being detecting by incoming midi signal to my S770.  My setup is a Technics GA3 as the master controller keyboard with the lower manual feeding channel 2 for arranger chord detection.  I have never had any issues with the correct chord being recognized over the last 2 years but all of a sudden the PSR is showing 3 finger major chord adding a 5th or 7 th or not interpreting the chord correctly.  Sometimes the chord will not even change (remains as an F with C being played).  And sometimes the display shows something like  " cancel/G+5" , don't have a clue what the cancel means. The Technics display is reading the correct chord.   I have reset and reconfigured both the Technics and Yamaha and set the PSR for fingered mode on chord type.  I have even changed out the midi cable but have the same results.  Have gone over the configuration for both keyboards many times and just cant pinpoint the problem, any suggestions is appreciated.   I am going to connect Midiox to the technics output to check that midi data is being transmitted correctly.

Ed B

There are basically two types of styles on Yamaha arrangers, Pro and Session. The characteristics of these styles vary. Pro style provides a very high quality sound. They provide very authentic rhythm, fill-in and harmony responding to over 20 chord types.  The second style is the Session style.  These are designed to go further and actually will translate a simple C7 into a much more colourful chord such as C13 without additional fingering to achieve it.
Could it be that you are triggering a session style?
Ed B
Keep on learning


Hi Ed,  thanks for the reply but think the problem is deeper than your suggestion.  Sometimes the 770 does not even recognize the correct chord, ie if I play C  on the technics it returns a G or Bflat on the 770 and I have to strike the C chord several times before it is correct.  And sometimes is shows  C/g when I play C in the root position.  Also I do not understand why it shows chord being cancelled, not understanding what that means.  I think what I need to do is record the output of the Technics on a laptop to be sure that is correct and then input from laptop to 770 a chord sequence to see how it is received.  At least then I can see which instrument is causing the trouble.  When played on their own each appears to be ok.  Very strange.