Thomann AK-X1100 Internal Styles to Yamaha

Started by mezzoman, Apr 24, 2022, 12:03 PM

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Greetings to everyone!  :)

I've redesigned the factory styles of the Thomann AK-X1100 to be used on Yamaha keyboards.
First of all, thank DjTony1981 for sharing styles and editing tips. It was a big help.

What I edited:
- With the Medeli GrandSuite, I exported factory styles to midi+casm format.
- I renamed the casm file extension to .csm (Yamaha format).
- I used CasmEdit to import the .mid and .csm files. I saved it in a .sty file.
- Then I re-opened the GrandSuite program with the original style, and also the MixMaster with the Yamaha style.
  I compared the sounds and drum sets of the original style with the new one, and where I had to (many times), I modified them.
- I thought it was done, but my instrument (SX700) made an error and didn't read the file.
  As it turned out, the midi data of the styles lacked the SFF1 marking, so I opened StyleFixer, which corrected the files.
- In the end, with StyleRemixer, I replaced the Intro (C-B-A) and Ending (C-B-A) sections. (This was the case with Thomann.)
- Then I transferred the styles to the instrument and adjusted the volume values. I finished editing with MixMaster.

What I didn't edit:
- I didn't claim it on the effects. All Reverbs, Choirs, DSP effects remained the same as they were in the original.

The styles are in SFF1 format, I tried to keep the original voice and drumkits. I only changed it where it would have sounded very strange.
The AK-X1100 contains 9 MegaVoices: Nylon, Steel, Clean, Overdrive, Distortion Guitar, and Acoustic, Finger (Electric), Pick, Fretless Bass.
I chose the other sounds from the Live, Cool, Sweet category, because of compatibility.
Compared to Yamaha, it may be on an S900-Tyros2 level (before that, there was no Mega Nylon Guitar), but it's not as sophisticated as they are.
Interestingly, although it have a lot of drumkits, it mostly use the Standard Kit, which often sounds very bad.
Anyone looking for a Yamaha sound will be disappointed.
Finally, thank you very much for the great software used for editing! Respect to programmers!

(Update 2022 October)
All styles are finished. You can download them from this link:
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Mark Wilburn


They sound great in my S950 keyboard. ;)

I also like that these styles are SFF1 format and UNLOCKED. If you want to edit any of the tracks or add to them, it is possible to do so. ;D


Ryszard Bieszczad

Thanks a lot for these great styles that sound great on my T4.
Very good job.
Ryszard / erbis

ps.I just recorded a new composition based on the style: Blues Ballad. This style, like the others, somehow "forces" to improvise.
A day without making music is a lost day :)


Great thanks Mezzo, I'll give these a try in a little while


Many Many Thanks for this upload , soon wil try id on my psr-s975 en tyros5. thanks. ;)


The Ballroom styles are ready. You will find them in the shared folder.
Have a nice day!  :)

Toril S

Thanks a lot for the styles Mezzo! Well done. Much appreciated!
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

Toril's PSR Performer Page


Hi Mezzo, thanks a lot for the styles, great works on them; all the best Patrick

Luis Carlos GM

Wow mezo what I was needing! I will test them on my Yamaha PSR-A3000 and then on my A5000 when I have the time to purchase it!
Past Yamaha keyboards that I now don't use: PSR-S710, PSR-A2000
Current Yamaha keyboard I use: PSR-A3000
Next, or future, Yamaha keyboard I will use: PSR-A5000


Thanks a lot for sharing these, much appreciated.


Leading Edge

These styles are now top-drawer thanks to your work.

Thank you


The Country styles are also ready.
I've had a lot of work with them. Change voice, volume, and velocity value change.
At one of the Mega Steel Guitar, I even had to fix midi data errors too.
But they're finally done. I uploaded them, too.  :)


The Dance styles are also ready. I uploaded them to the others.  :)


Look like the Thomann AKX1100 is identical to the Medeli AXK-10.
Question: is there a way to convert Yamaha styles that play on S-series keyboard for use by this Thomann / Medeli ?
If this is possible,   these Thomann / Medeli  keyboards will catch a lot of buyers.
I love to play Yamaha styles (I mean custom styles) on my Medeli AKX-10.

Korg PA-50, Yamaha YPG-235, E443, EW410, YPT400, Tyros3, Genos, Medeli AKX10, S770


Quote from: tyros2009 on May 17, 2022, 10:06 PM
Look like the Thomann AKX1100 is identical to the Medeli AXK-10.
Question: is there a way to convert Yamaha styles that play on S-series keyboard for use by this Thomann / Medeli ?
If this is possible,   these Thomann / Medeli  keyboards will catch a lot of buyers.
I love to play Yamaha styles (I mean custom styles) on my Medeli AKX-10.

The answer is yes!!!

Through GRANDSUITE V2 it is possible to convert the Yamaha styles to the Medeli format, obviously it will be necessary to correct the mapping of the sounds as it is obviously different .. for me that I create new styles it was decisive for the purchase of the AKX10, since other brands do not they allow you to create styles except with the old MIDI clock method.


Well, I think the Medeli's compatibility with Yamaha may be his main target.
The voices and drum kits of the styles I have edited are almost completely compatible with Yamaha.
In one or two cases, I only had to change one of the sounds of the drum kit used, otherwise it would have sounded strange.
The other, the Mega Voices. Not all slides and string noises are the same as those of Yamaha.
Sometimes there are unusual sounds here. However, with a little job, you must be doing them well.


I have messed up and somehow moved the Ballad styles you provided to another location. They are not now available on the link you provided. Could you rectify my mistake please and reattach them to your shared folder. I am so sorry and I am still not sure how I managed to mess up the lovely gift you gave us. Please accept my apologies.
Cheers Carol


Here is a link to his ballad styles.

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Graham UK

DrakeM. Appreciate the Ballds Link.
These AK-1100 Styles have been well converted and do play good on my DGX670.


All right, I restored the Ballad styles. They are back in the shared folder.

To DrakeM: Thank you for your help.  :)

Luis Carlos GM

Are you also, although identical, convert the Medeli AXK10 styles to Yamaha stiles? I think after completing the Toman styles then goes the other keyboard, or...
Past Yamaha keyboards that I now don't use: PSR-S710, PSR-A2000
Current Yamaha keyboard I use: PSR-A3000
Next, or future, Yamaha keyboard I will use: PSR-A5000


The Latin & Latin Dance styles are also ready. I uploaded them, too.  :)

To luiscarlos2000:
I think that the Medeli's styles are the same as the Thomann's styles.
For the Medeli there is an Expansion Pack that contains 30 new styles, but it can't save down from the instrument.
Perhaps with a next firmware update it will be possible.


The Pop & Beat styles are also ready.
I uploaded them to the others.  :)

Leading Edge

Thank you for all the work you have done to make these available.  Brilliant.




Are these Styles safe to play on Genos,  I cannot get into Onedrive has anyone got these Styles to share please

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.


Hi Ronnie,

on the T5 they run very well:

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Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.

Al Ram

San Diego/Tijuana


I cannot get into Onedrive has anyone got these Styles to share please

Genos 1 Keyboard / PSR S 970 /  Korg PA4X  keyboard /  Yamaha HS 7 Studio Monitors  / Motif Rack XS /
Roland Integra 7 /,Fender  Strat & Telecaster & Burns Marvin White Guitar, Tascam DP 32 track Recorder.