PsrSX920 Midi Multi Recording setting a channel off and volume channel settings

Started by Keyboardist, Yesterday at 05:24 PM

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PsrSX920 Midi Multi Recording setting a channel off  and volume channel settings

When I go into midi multi recording and bring up a midi song and turn off one of the channels and adjust the volume in the mixer;I then go to setup, execute and save the new midi song but when I bring the song ive adjusted back up; the channel I had turned off is back on but the volumes I adjusted are saved.
The only way i can get one of the channels I want off is when i go back into the mixer and go to that midi song and turn off one of the part channels their and save it to a registration memory and then it stays off.

ALso I guess you cant save a midi song part volume adjustment in the mixer alone even if you save it to a registration and not use the midi muti to do it and save it Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login you have to save the volume by going into the midi muti and save it. Dont know why the part Ive turned off wont save in midi muti though

Perhaps someone can try this and see if its the same

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Hi @Keyboardist,

The status "Channel Off" cannot be saved in a MIDI file, but the status "Part Off" could be memorized in Registrations (Memory Group "MIDI Song"). Instead, simply turn the volume for the desired MIDI channels down or completely to zero in the mixer.

By the way, note that in the (MIDI Multi Recording) Setup window the top 7 checkboxes must be ticked. The bottom 5 checkboxes (Keyboard Voice, etc.) should not normally be ticked, but only if this data really needs to be written to the MIDI file.

Also note that the song position must be at the beginning (touch the SONG STOP icon in the display to ensure this) before you touch Execute.

Hose this helps!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
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