Style search for a specific song

Started by Pityus, March 14, 2024, 04:49:02 AM

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As an amateur music lover, I like to play old evergreen hits at home.
It would be a great help if you could give advice on which style would be the best for a particular song,
as it often takes hours to search.
If I couldn't find it, I bought it several times from different places.
Now I'm looking for a style for the song Bonnie Tyler: It's a heartache, can you give me some advice?
If it is not forbidden, I am attaching a song that I play with a purchased style.


Very nice. I enjoyed that. I also like your setup.

Try this for style suggestions

You'll find a few suggested styles for Bonnie's song.


Edit: Roger Brenizer removed link to a Charter Files board topic


Unfortunately, it says this in the suggested place:
The topic or board you are looking for appears to be either missing or off limits to you.


I've looked at this site before, but I couldn't find any styles for specific songs.


The style is "80sPop" and not on your SX900. It is on the PSR-950 keyboard and you will need to go to this page
to download the Pop&Rock (45) style pack.

Listen to the MAIN B part and turn the Chd2 and Phr2 parts off. Revoice if you think you need to but this is your base for the song. I would then "copy and paste" (using the Style Creator in your keyboard) the RHY2 and Bass parts that are in MAIN B to Mains A, C and D. The whole style should work for you then.



I would like your help again with the style of this song:
The Police - Every Breath You Take

Graham UK

For Song Styles have look in these GIG DISKS.

My Graham UK download I did some years ago but worth downloading to see they any fit with other music you want to play.



The "80sGtrPop" style found on the Tyros 4, PSR-S950 and Tyros 5 keyboard.

This style is one of just a few Yamaha styles that is a dead ringer to a song.

The style will be in this download



DrakeM - Thank you for your helpful advice and saving me a lot of time instead of searching.


J. Cortese