CVP 709 question around playing audio/midi

Started by Whitecolin11, Jul 17, 2023, 11:25 AM

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My friend has a CVP709 and wants to know if you can play midi`s continuously or audio, so to play multiple tracks without having to continuously move to the next one
Thank you


not directly, but there's a free, open source project called Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login that does this and a few other interesting things -- requires streaming midi from computer to clavinova over USB, MIDI DIN, or wifi connection:

1) create a copy of your midi song collection removing duplicates, renamed versions of same midi song, etc.
2) autoplay multiple midi files in a directory or "songlist" list of songs
3) remap voices based on preferences (e.g. general midi Grand Piano gets mapped to CFX Concert Grand, etc.)

the project requires some setup, but looks like all you need to do once installed is enter, "miditoys stream c:\my_tunes", sit back and enjoy. developer looks like they're open to suggestions and available to help and it's under active development
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