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Playing at giggs concern

Started by HamzaA3000, Apr 10, 2022, 07:24 PM

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Hi all,

I have been playing keyboard since long time but never had the chance or desire to learn reading from notes but rather play by ear. My passion is to be able to play at small giggs and grow further into big crowds. Would it be a problem playing in giggs but not able to ready sheet music?

Would the below be skills be enough for playing at giggs?

1- Training by ear on scales and the relevant chords and practice them with known songs
2- Understanding all aspects of the keyboard (effects, volume, styles..etc)

Your advice is much appreciated.


Depends a lot on what you plan to do. Are you going to play by yourself, are you joining a band, will you accompany vocalists, do you sing? My observation  is that playing an arranger by yourself, without vocals is not hugely attractive for commercial gigs unless you are an exceptional player. Maybe care homes.
The vast majority of small band entertainers play by ear, so it's not a problem. The listeners don't care, in fact it looks generally less professional to shuffle thru sheet music before every song. The main requirement is that you are a good enough player to perform confidently at a decent level. How you get there - practice, preparation, chord knowledge, music theory basics - is up to you. Nobody cares as long as you sound good and entertain.



Thanks Mike...confidence in playing in giggs grows with stronger keybaord knowledge and skills


Confidence playing gigs mainly comes from doing it. Start modestly, small gatherings, unpaid - charity, care homes, friends etc - and short so you are not under too much pressure, or need a big repertoire.


I was an onstage entertainer/musician for more than 4 decades, and though I could read some music, it was not enough to hinder my playing ability. However, when I purchased a new keyboard, it would not go on the road with me for at least 3 months. Over that time, I sat down and set up the keyboard's registrations and music finder directory to fit my audiences demands.

Now, I do not possess the musical skills that 90 percent of the individuals on this forum enjoy, however, I made a damned good living as a musician/entertainer/singer. I had the unique ability to read my audiences and determine what would get them out of their seats and on to the dance floor and spend an enjoyable evening dancing the night away with their favorite dance partners. I retired at age 76 due to health issues, otherwise, I would still be on stage singing my heart out to the ladies. :)

All the best,

Gary 8)
Love Those Yammies...