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MP3 on the SX700

Started by Denn, Mar 04, 2022, 08:23 PM

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Hello All, I have (I think) recorded an MP3 on my SX700. It tells me it has saved it to the USB. Wonderful! but how do I get at it?? I took the USB out of the kbd and put it into my computer and looked at the contents in File Manager. The MP3 did NOT show up. However, when I did a search on that USB it did show up. Closed off File Manager, started it again and, yes, no MP3 showing. Did the search and up it comes.
So, Where do I find the MP3 that I recorded on the SX700? When I try to go to the USB it only takes me to the registration slot. That is not where I want to go. I want to find my MP3 on the USB plugged into the kbd. Frustrations abound!
I am human - more of a reptile - and I am NOT going to be beaten by a machine!!! Please help.  :'(   :(
Kind regards, Denn.
Love knitting dolls

Joe H

Hi Denn,

When you select the Digital Audio Recorder the MP3 will show up. Our keyboards implement "file masking" which to say that when you select styles, only style files will be seen.  When you select Multi Pads only Multi Pads will be seen, when you select the MIDI Song player only MIDI song files will be seen.  I created folders for these different files and I go to the folders to load the files that I'm interested in.  Registrations work the same way.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hello Joe, Thank for the reply. I have a setup I called H'keeping. Folders are Reg, Styles, Voices, Songs, M.pads. These are for things that are made by me or third party pieces. The Regs have folders from A to XYZ, these are my regs that are named and linked to the styles. Songs I make get stored in the Song folder. Keeps my T4 in order.
I have found out that the kbd (SX700) tosses the audio MP3 straight to the USB so I have to find it there somehow. Funny, when you do things so often you tend to forget all the little intermediate things, they just get done automatically.
Thanks again for your replay
Regards, Denn.
Love knitting dolls


Hi Denn,
  Just press Audio in centre of  screen and select your USB stick and you will find them.

Joe H


I use a separate USB 3.0 drive for audio files.  I found that helps. It is normal for the audio recorder to save directly to the root directory of the USB drive.  You can then move them into a folder if you like.

Joe H
Music is the Universal Language!

My Article: Using Multi Pads in registrations. Download Regs, Styles & MPs:


Hi Denn, your SX700 just record in wave the audio, not MP3 i think! Just check the manuel of the SX700; the SX900 can record in MP3; have a nice weekend, cheers Patrick


On the SX700, you can choose to record in WAV or in MP3 format.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700


Thanks Eileen, Exactly what I wanted. Tried it and they are there.
Regards, Den.
Love knitting dolls


Can I play mp3 on SX700?


You can record and play MP3 format on the SX700. MP3 is not supported on the SX600.
SX900 and S670
Former keyboards: E433, E463, SX700

J. Larry

I can sympathize with Denn, because when I got the SX 900, it took a while to figure out the built-in player.  I play live with two other musicians, each with their own folders of tunes, either midi, or mixed-down wav files.  Once you get the hang of it, you can quickly go to either type of file right from the player itself.  All songs are saved on USB drives.


Interesting post, and like many others have found, the recording instructions in the manual are pretty hopeless.

I have the PSR-SX700 and so I thought I'd do a short, simple guide as to how I do it, which may help. I can't see that the SX900 would be different, but as I don't own one, I can't say that definitely.

So here's the easy guide that answers a few of the queries.

Firstly. Set up the song that you want to play. So get the keyboard ready to play with the music, style, registration or Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login hopefully, you're now all ready to record.

1. In the SONG section, press the RECORDING button
2. Now press the AUDIO Quick Recording button.
3. Press the Flashing red REC button which will turn it OFF.
4.Now, in the top right press the 3 Horizontal Bar button which will open the format window.
5. Press the AUDIO REC FORMAT tab and then select from either WAV or MP3 format.
There are 3 settings for MP3 choose the one you want. I use the 128kbps setting but you can experiment to see the setting that suits you the best.
6. CLOSE the Audio REC FORMAT window with the X in the top corner.

Now you're set up to record in the format you want.

7. Press the REC button again, and it will start to flash.
8. Get your head together, because this is it.....and press the PLAY/PAUSE button, and start to play. Your recording now begins.

You will notice, on the screen, that the recording will be described as  AUDIO 000-1  It may be different (see later)*
9. When you have finished your recording, press the STOP button.

The next step is important...

Press PLAY to listen to your recording.  If you are happy with it, then you don't need to do anything further. it will automatically have been saved onto your USB stick as AUDIO-0001
BUT.....If you need to re-record it then you MUST press the REC button again.

*When you do that, the counter will move from AUDIO-0001 to AUDIO-0002

If you don't press the REC button, when you come to re-record, then the old track will start to play just as you start your new recording and it will sound awful.  So to RE RECORD press the REC button, which moves the counter to the next recording track.

When you are absolutely happy with your work, then you can finish recording. You may by now have had several attempts at recording, and so you could well have files called Audio 0001/2/3/4/5/6/7/8 etc files. I did one the other day and had 14 attempts at it before being entirely happy.

So now....Go to your computer with your memory stick, and open it up.

You will see all these new files listed. Choose the one that is your final version, (make sure you've made a note of it), and transfer it to your pc. Rename it....So in my case AUDIO-0014 was renamed to "Sexy Eyes" . Then keep a copy on your PC and only keep this one file on your memory stick. It is now a named file and you can store it where you want on your instrument files.

Finally....Delete ALL the older (bad recording) attempts from your memory stick. That way, when you go to record your next song, you'll start the counter again with AUDIO-0001.

I hope this helps some of you. I had nightmares getting it working, but I can now do it pretty easily doing it this way. You will be able to do so too. Any issues...Ask.
There are probably many other ways of doing the same job, but this is simple, and it works. I'm not a professional musician, and working out some of the features on this super keyboard has taken many hours of head scratching, and experimenting.



I always record in Midi first because you can then edit the tracks for volume, effects, Pan etc. Also you can Multi Track. When I have it as I want I then record it to WAV or MP3 on the keyboard.