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Saving preset drum part

Started by sugarplumsss, Nov 29, 2021, 12:19 PM

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I appreciate the forums patience with my basic questions.

I use the drum part of the presets, when I perform.
The bass drum is often too loud.
I think I know how to reduce the volume of bass drum within the preset through the Style Creator avenue.
Where do I save the user created drum style?
I suppose the default is "in a registration" , but is there a "user style" location?

The reasoning why I ask about user location for drum styles and right hand presets is below.

With my one registration temporary approach, I have to quickly access a few different drum beats, and I usualy use preset, But presets are no longer viable because bass drum can be too loud.
Related issue with the right hand voices:
When choose various pianos on the fly, using presets is also a problem, because preset pianos do not conform to the previous octave . effects,. So changing a piano can be a rude surprise. Therefore, like the drum style, some of the right hand presets need to be saved as user presets. I do not recall the proper name for this.

Registrations assigned to different songs, is not YET working for me.. for this reason,
I change the volumes/mix of a given registration as i perform with it. Drum style, Manual bass, and the 3 Right hand parts volumes, are constantly changed as I play a song.
(The idea of eg a bass player playing the same volume, is not true.)
The music I am playing is dynamic in nature.
This is a problem or challenge that is not solved yet, but has my full attention.
Until I reach the solution and can then begin creating registrations for a playlist - as is the normal path; I am likely only working with one registration,  and changing IT as I go from song to song. This is cumbersome, obviously.. but I have to solve the mixing issue before I finally reach the nirvana of approx 100 registrations for the song list!

The mixing issue is not just the dynamics of the music.
It is also the fact I am playing different venues and PA sounds differently on each gig/night.
These two factors make playing a gig very dicey.
Eg I am playing a song and I finally get it mixed in a kind of well balanced mid point.. not too loud ( when I was play fff at a crescendo) or conversely not too softly either.
My problem is, when the next song comes up, I can be almost certain a new registration will erase the finely tuned mix of the present registration.
I use T4 as a drum machine. Playing my own acmp and bass. MIDI songs are my latest interest. If anyone wishes to share knowledge on MIDI songs let me know.