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Started by DIANADIANA, Jun 17, 2021, 01:58 PM

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I have some cpf files from tyros 5. In don't can convert, because i don't have the "instrument info files" for using these files with expansion manager
Is possible to have these files?
I want convert cpf files, but i don't can


If cpf is one of the Free Packs from Yamaha's web shop, you can download the list here. This is for Genos but I think the schedule is the same as for Tyros5.

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I don't need one list. i need the file of tyros 5. I have psr sx700, and i have extract these file. I have load these file into yamaha expansion manager. so i can load sx700 content. I want the same, but i don't have tyros 5. i want load cpf files into expansion manager. but i need these file for these


I think (or maybe not?) you want n27 file for T5 (usual saved from keyboard)
I can give you all my n27 files that I have if you let me a PM e-mail address.
Unfortunately even you will load T5 CPF on your YEM, possible to don't be able to install nothing from that in your keyboard - not sure - I don't like CPF's.
You can only see the content.
PSR SX-900; PA 1000; AKX 10


If the cpf was created by a regular user (not by Yamaha), it can only be typed into a specific keyboard. It won't be a good n27 file of another Tyros5. Even if you have that specific n27 file for which the Pack was made, again the PRG data will not be visible in YEM. It can only be seen if that CPF is installed in the keyboard.
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.cpf Pack files can not be "converted" (e.g., to use such a Pack on another keyboard model).

There are two different versions of .cpf Files:

1) Earlier (paid) Yamaha Packs supplied in the .cpf format can only be installed on one specific instrument (for whose instrument info file it has been compiled). The same applies to .cpf Files created by a user using the YEM.

2) The current, free Yamaha Packs (Guets are not allowed to view links. In order to access the links, please Register or Login) behave slightly differently: Such a .cpf File can only be installed on a specific keyboard model . So there are separate files for e.g. Tyros5-61, Tyros5-76, genos, PSR-SX900, PSR-SX700, etc.

If you have e.g. a Tyros5-61 instrument info File (.N27) imported into your Yem, you can import the free Yamaha Packs for this model into Yem (and watch the content). But you can NOT install these Tyros5-61 Packs on another model (such as the SX700)!

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)



Thanks for your feedback, DIANADIANA!

There are many free Yamaha Expansion Packs available in the unprotected .ppf format. In principle, these .ppf Packs can be installed on all YEM-compatible keyboard models. Unfortunately, most of the previous Yamaha download links no longer work. If you are looking for specific Packs, just let us know. Here you will surely be helped. :)

Best regards,
● Everyone kept saying "That won't work!" - Then someone came along who didn't know that, and - just did it.
● Never put the Manual too far away: There's more in it than you think! ;-)