Trying to save an audio file as part of registration

Started by rmodel21, Nov 21, 2020, 10:54 AM

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I am trying to take an audio or midi file and save it as part of a registration and then add it into my playlist .  Cannot figure it out.  Please help. ???


Input MIDI / Song in Player and then create a registration. After that, store the entire Bank. Watch the video from 07:07.

When you create multiple Banks, you can arrange them in the Playlist. Watch this Video.

Watch my video channel


Thank you ,  I love your videos , I just hate subtitles, because I am reading the words  and not watching the video .   I will check them out.


I replay the video many times. The first time to read the subtiles then replay to see his actions. I know it's inconvenient but at least there is the subtiles. Without the subtiles, I would have no idea of what is what.
I watch a lot of ckobu's videos and they're very good. Thanks ckobu.


yea I, am watching now,  just keep hitting pause and play :)