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PSR 975S audio

Started by Ton, Dec 27, 2019, 11:49 PM

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A little while ago I got myself a 975S keyboard, I recorded everything I had on the T5 on USB sticks so that I could transfer it.
I did install all songs that I had in the song section but when, after a while I wanted to play those songs they were not there anymore, I did not delete them (as well as I can remember). I have all my songs also recorded as mp3's and via Audacity I changes some into wave files. The display shows they are there, but no matter what,  I can't play them >:(
In what format are the songs recorded/stored ? Audio ? Wave ? mp3 ?
I am at a loss here and will appreciate all you can tell me :)
Greetings ,



I believe that songs are stored as MIDI files.



They must have Special settings how they are recorded
like resolutie,stereo,baudrate
look in the manual for wave settings



.wav (WAV format: 44.1 kHz sample rate, 16 bit resolution, stereo), .mp3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3: 44.1/48.0 kHz sample rate, 64-320 kbps and variable bit rate, mono/streo)

These are the audio formats you have to choose Ton for playback.

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The keyboard when it is recording is recording in .wav format unless you record as a midi  in the song section to the left.
Covers on Youtube (live playing)
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reload the mp3 or wave files in audacity
safe them with the right specs


Thank you all for the kind responses :)
They were stored wave 44.1 kHz-16 bit resolution stereo as suggested. Maybe it is something else that I have done wrong. I played and recorded one song today, stored it as per normal , and I could play it back no probs.

Toril S

Hello Ton😀 Try changing the file name to a shorter one. It the name us over 50 characters, the keyboard will not see it.
Toril S

Genos, Tyros 5, PSR S975, PSR 2100
and PSR-47.
Former keyboards: PSR-S970.

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