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Price Increase

Started by rgw, Sep 17, 2019, 11:33 AM

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Have you noticed that some of the Suppliers have upped their selling price for the SX900?



Hi Richard. That changes every day, the same as the gasoline price  ;). The (Yamaha) suggested retail price in NL is € 2356,- (for what that is worth). In recent weeks I have been watching the prices. The (large) internet shops follow each other flawlessly. The lowest quoted internet price here was (in NL) € 2191.- (in fact 7% lower). I see an internetshop in Europe the lowest price of € 1999 (in fact -15%!). You will have to negotiate yourself if it concerns a local sales dealer, face to face! In my view, there is little to negotiate with the large internet shops, as they have no store/shop to visit. Meaning: t.m.h.o. if you can visit a physic shop, you can negotiate better than throught mail-contact. ;)
My best regards,



Some good old friends of mine would be very interested in knowing the average European and UK trade-in price of an S975 and an S970.

Your feedback would be appreciated. Thanks !

Best regards, Babette


That doesn't help much to know that, I think Babette? T.m.h.o. it depends on what you have to pay extra! E.g. new price € 2299, trade-in price S975 is € 900, then you have to pay € 1399 extra. If the new price is € 1999, you pay 'only' € 1099. In the latter case, you may receive less for your keyboard to trade in. In other words, it can be a difference of two/three hundred bucks per case. Mostly you have to pay more if you have something to trade in (more risk for the salesman?). It is better to sale it privately. And the dealers are not happy to trade in a PSR ...
But maybe there are other members who have trade in and will tell you ...?
My best regards,


Thank you for your reaction, Ton.

Your answer is very clear. Thank you !




In UK between £800 and £900 in good condition.


Thank you, Eileen.🍀
Comparable to the European trade-in price.



In itself it is not difficult to predict what a dealer will give for a trade-in. Take a look at the various auction sites and look for the model you want to trade in. I know from experience that the dealers also look at the second hand asking prices and bidding from the various auction sites. They also want to make a profit on the trade-in. Sometimes the profit on new keyboard is so high that they immediately transfer the exchanged keyboards to the smaller traders in second-hand keyboards. Sometimes at a lower price than what they gave for the trade-in. An entrepreneur often takes a quick profit rather than the risk of a loss. There is no business like regular business, Babette  ;D
My best regards,


Best price in UK at mo. seems to be Chamberlains ( around £1750 I think ) 
Yamaha did a 6% rise I recon on Monday as it was  £1644 ( a real steal!! ) until then for pre-orders and it then went up.

Most dealers will do a price match anyway if you screen shot the best deal.

I use Price Spy ALL THE TIME  its a great site I find to compare prices and you can register for alerts on a product.

I got a great deal before the prices went up on a pre-order .

My dealer got a demo model in yestrday so will pop over and have a go in the next day or two, he recons about another 4 weeks and then stock will be in
