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Edit Multi Pad voices?

Started by DaveS, May 20, 2019, 07:39 AM

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Hi all.

Can't see any info on how to edit the Multipad voices.  for example, I'd like to change the voice in a piano glissando to a harp.  Can this be done?

Genos, Fender Acoustic Guitar, Lap Steel, Besson Cornet
Entertainer at local restaurants, clubs etc
Radio presenter at CairnsFM, Cairns, Qld
Program Executive at Phoenix 96.3fm, Bundaberg


Yes quite easily,
Go to Multi pad creator and select Midi multi pad recording. Now you will see all four pads. Select the one you want to change and then press step record. You will now see the events list for that rack. Some where at the top of the page you will see Prog and a number next to it which is the voice it is using at present. Just select and press the voice you want to use and you will now see a new Prog number in a new line. Delete the old one and then press play and you will hear your new voice. Save this now as User Pad. 


Bless you, Eileen!  Thanks a lot for this.  Will let you know the outcome.


Finally got it to work!  wanted a harp glissando and changed the #2 on Piano glissando and it works perfectly!

Thanks once again!

Genos, Fender Acoustic Guitar, Lap Steel, Besson Cornet
Entertainer at local restaurants, clubs etc
Radio presenter at CairnsFM, Cairns, Qld
Program Executive at Phoenix 96.3fm, Bundaberg


Hi Eileen
I cannot get this to work
I am trying to create a bluegrass type picking banjo pad from a preset guitar picking pad.

I go to Midi Multi pad creator and the 4 preset pads show with pad 1 selected.
I can not see a step record only a step edit at the top which I press and this produces the events list.
At the top of this (step edit) the prog. number is given as 2 (guitar). I cannot see how to change by selecting a new voice for RH1, but I know that banjo prog. no. is 106 so I use the wheel to roll the number to 106, save and this produces a female voice version  :-[ :-[

What am I missing ???  ::) ::)



There are 3 voice nos. for each voice, it is not normally sufficient to change just the prog no. You have to change the so called  bank MSB and bank LSB too. To make those visible in the list you may have to touch Event Filter and put a tick in Control Change before exiting back to step edit.
To be able to select the voice directly using Eileen's method, push the main illuminated Voice button in the KB panel which takes you to the voices. Selecting one of them adds the 3 lines of voice nos automatically (banks and prog) and you now need to delete the originals.



hi John thanks for the info I will look at that tomorrow

