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S975 USER Memory Size

Started by hammer, Sep 29, 2018, 11:55 AM

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It seems like the USER memory size has been downgraded on the S975 compared to all other yamaha keyboards I have owned.  For example, I have been able to load just about everything I need for my gigs into the USER are on the S950, T3, and T4.  On the S975 It tells me I am out of space with only a few styles moved to it.  This forces users to use a thumb drive for just about everything.  Am I missing something here?



Hi Deane,

Here are the sizes of the USER flash memory in recent arrangers (taken from the Specifications table in their respective Owner's manuals)...

Tyros3   3.2 MB

Tyros4   6 MB

Tyros5   approx. 6.7 MB

PSR-S950     approx. 6.7 MB

PSR-S970     approx. 13 MB max.

PSR-S975     approx. 13 MB max.

As you can see, the USER drive on your S975 is bigger than any other Yamaha that you have owned!

Some of the user drive is required for the 'Expansion' folder where styles, registrations, multi pads and small voice data files from installed Expansion packs are saved when you install Expansion packs from YEM.  The much larger wave files from these packs are stored in the 768 MB of Expansion flash memory.   Have you got a lot of Expansion packs installed?

Within YEM, as you select packs/files to include in a '.ppi' or .cpi' Install file, it will show you how much space the currently selected items will require in the USER drive, but it doesn't know what is already currently saved in the non Expansion folders on the USER drive, so it can't give you a total for everything.

I don't know if you can see the available space in the USER drive from the keyboard, but if you connect it to a computer and use Yamaha's  'MusicSoft Downloader' program, you should be able to see everything that is stored in the USER memory at that time, which should tell you why you are having problems.

Also bear in mind the maximum number of items in a folder is 500.  Could this be what the message was about?

There are also 'Notes' in the Owner's Manual about other restrictions for the USER drive.  For example, the following from page 29...

"In the USER tab, no more than three
folder levels can be created. The maximum
total number of files/folders
which can be saved differs depending
on the file size and the length of the
file/folder names."

Could the error message relate to this?





Thanks Ian this helps.
I have not installed any expansion packs but I do have 2 folders in the USER area but there are not many files in each folder. I'll keep trying to figure it out.



Hi Deane,

Have you checked the contents of the USER drive from all the Selection screens?

Remember that only files of the type shown at the top of the selection screen will be listed although it could be that there are files of other types in the folder.  So if you use the Style selection screen, you will only see Style files. Any MIDIs, Multi Pads, Voices, and so on will not be shown unless you use their respective selection screens.

As I have already suggested, I think that you should connect the keyboard to your PC and look at the contents of the drive using Musicsoft Downloader.  Unlike the keyboard OS (which although trying to be helpful, can sometimes cause confusion!), this will show you files of all types without filtering (hiding) any.





Just to be clear, there are basically 2 memory Types on the PSR S....
One is the Flash Memory that is where the Expansion Packs need to use the Yamaha Expansion Manager to make a Pack and then Install it, that goes to the Flash Memory.

The other one, is the USER Memory, where you can store, SMFs, Registrations, USER Multipads, Styles, Voices.....(This voices are the ones you edit from the factory map, and in case you wanted alterate it to your taste, that is where you can store to be confuse with samples, those (Samples are to be loaded into the Yamaha Expansion Manager to make a Pack and then install it into the PSR S).

My 2 Cents
